Relaxed Coastal Style | 誠品線上

Relaxed Coastal Style

作者 Sally Denning
商品描述 Relaxed Coastal Style:在海邊的生活可以帶來平靜的氛圍,聽著海潮聲、踩著沙灘都讓人無比放鬆,因此住在海邊是許多人的夢想。海邊的生活環境被證實可以讓人更健康、更快


內容簡介 在海邊的生活可以帶來平靜的氛圍,聽著海潮聲、踩著沙灘都讓人無比放鬆,因此住在海邊是許多人的夢想。海邊的生活環境被證實可以讓人更健康、更快樂,藍色的大海可以穩定情緒,有療癒的效果,海風也被證實可以促進氧氣吸收。本書則獻給可以住在海邊的幸運兒,書中第一部份可以看見海邊的專屬顏色和其特有的材料結構,像是因海風和海水呈現特殊紋理的木板和繩子,並且加入可以搭配的家具和家飾品,例如航海相關裝飾品、地圖、貝殼、漂流木等。第二部分則是造訪了許多相當有風味的海岸度假小屋、別墅等,想要裝潢自己海邊住宅的讀者可以在精美的照片中找到靈感,若是無法住在海邊的讀者,也可以在這部分的照片中,讓自己的夢想成真,閉上眼睛似乎就可以聽見海風、嘗到海水的味道。In Relaxed Coastal Style, Sally Denning offers decorating inspiration for anyone lucky enough to live by the ocean, as well as those who only dream of it.Scientists tell us that living by the ocean makes us happier and healthier: views of blue space have a calming effect and sea air improves our ability to absorb oxygen. Being by the water brings a sense of tranquillity and relaxation and a home by the sea has never been more desirable.The first part of the book offers up Sally’s take on coastal style, celebrating the colors and textures of the ocean. She also looks at lighting, furniture and coastal decorative accents such as maps, charts and nautical-themed accessories, shells, and driftwood. The second half of the book visits a selection of glorious coastal houses, cabins, cottages, and hideaways around the globe that are guaranteed to enchant and inspire. Wherever you live, Relaxed Coastal Style will inspire you to adopt the relaxed, informal simplicity of life by the sea.


作者介紹 Sally Denning Sally Denning is an interiors stylist and creative director with more than 20 years’ experience. She embarked on a freelance career 10 years ago and her work appears in titles such as Homes & Gardens, Homes & Antiques, House Beautiful, and Country Homes & Interiors. Sally instagrams at @blackshore_style, where she is followed by a whole roster of interiors insiders. She lives in Yorkshire, UK with her family.


書名 / Relaxed Coastal Style
作者 / Sally Denning
簡介 / Relaxed Coastal Style:在海邊的生活可以帶來平靜的氛圍,聽著海潮聲、踩著沙灘都讓人無比放鬆,因此住在海邊是許多人的夢想。海邊的生活環境被證實可以讓人更健康、更快
ISBN13 / 9781849759625
ISBN10 / 1849759626
EAN / 9781849759625
誠品26碼 / 2681546630005
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.4X21.6CM
級別 / N:無
