內容簡介 塔羅牌原是歐洲的一種紙牌遊戲,之後演變成占卜的一種形式,到現代塔羅牌以發展出非常多元的面貌,也有不同的流派,本書中附的塔羅牌是結合目前最常見的偉特塔羅牌,以及歷史悠久的維斯提康塔羅牌,還有一些原創性在其中,整體看起來很有文藝復興的風格。這套塔羅牌就算是初學者也可以使用,古典歐洲文藝復興風格的插畫設計精美,用起來也賞心悅目,牌面尺寸足夠清楚看到圖示,解毒牌義,也不會過大不好洗牌,另外附有一本六十四頁的全彩說明書,書中簡單介紹塔羅、說明每張牌的牌義、關鍵字以及如何解牌。Inspired by the rich pattern and naive style of the ancient Italian tarot cards, this exquisite deck brings in all the archetypal symbols of the tarot—so when you learn to read cards with The Golden Tarot, you’ll not only be reading your own cards confidently, but be able to interpret many other decks, too. From the figure-eight to the crayfish, the pomegranate to the tower, and the planets of astrology, here’s where you begin to decode ancient symbols for future prediction, insight, and affirmation in your daily life.
作者介紹 Liz Dean 莉茲‧狄恩已有十五年解牌的經驗,是唯一有英國老牌百貨公司Selfridge櫃位的占卜團體,Psychic Sisters的一員,並且已出過好幾本關於塔羅的書,除此之外,她也是身心靈相關出版品的編輯、寫手。Liz Dean has been reading tarot cards for over 15 years. An editor and writer specializing in the body, mind, and spirit field, she is the author of The Art of Tarot, The Love Tarot, and The Mystery of the Tarot, all published by CICO Books. She lives in London.