Japanese Patisserie: Exploring the Beautiful and Delicious Fusion of East Meets West | 誠品線上

Japanese Patisserie: Exploring the Beautiful and Delicious Fusion of East Meets West

作者 James Campbell
商品描述 Japanese Patisserie: Exploring the Beautiful and Delicious Fusion of East Meets West:融合東方與西方的美味饗宴,一同探索日本法式甜點的奇妙旅程當不同文化的美食相


內容簡介 融合東方與西方的美味饗宴,一同探索日本法式甜點的奇妙旅程當不同文化的美食相遇,同樣也能產生最美妙的火花,就如同日本風味的法式甜點,總是帶給人們難以忘懷的回憶與感受。東京可說是走在美食最前線的城市之一,目前就擁有15家三星米其林餐廳(相對法國只有10家),20年前大量的法式甜點主廚來到日本落地生根,完美的將日式食材融入到法式甜點中,因而創造出經典的日本法式甜點風潮。本書收錄60道美味及令人驚豔的甜點食譜,柚子檸檬泡芙、味增奶油塔、抹茶開心果歐貝拉、白芝麻紅豆起司蛋糕、芝麻花生醬曲奇餅,還有抹茶巧克力棒,這些令人愛不釋手的甜點,在家也能輕鬆打造。 Stunning recipes for patisserie, desserts and savories with a contemporary Japanese twist. This elegant collection is aimed at the confident home-cook who has an interest in using ingredients such as yuzu, sesame, miso, and matcha.The concept of fusion in food can be magical—when cuisines and cultures collide, combining flavors, ingredients, and methods from around the world creates new classics, the best of which become staples in our everyday lives. Trends like Japanese Matcha in our lattes, Korean kimchi in our burgers and Thai Sriracha hot sauce on—well everything—prove that our love-in with Asian cuisine is thriving. Tokyo is now considered a food-forward city, currently boasting 15 three Michelin-starred restaurants (compared to France's 10). Over the past 20 years there has been a surge in celebrated French patisserie chefs moving to Japan to open fine patisseries. The art of French patisserie appeals very much to the Japanese culture—both share values of beauty, precision, and care within cooking. This book features 60 recipes, from reinvented classics to stunning Patisserie creations made achievable to the home-cook. The chapters will be broken into Small Cakes & Individual Patisserie, which will include Lemon & Yuzu Éclairs. Sweet Tarts will offer delights such as Miso Butterscotch Tarts and the Large Cakes & Gateaux section offers celebration cakes like a Matcha & Pistachio Opera. In the Desserts section find dinner party classics with Japanese twists such as White Sesame & Adzuki Cheesecake. The Cookies & Confectionery chapter is full of fun treats like Sesame Peanut Butter Cookies and a Green Tea chocolate candy bar. To finish, some mouth-watering savory recipes such as Panko Donuts stuffed with Pork Katsu. A flavor matrix will helpfully map key characteristics of Japanese ingredients.


作者介紹 James has worked as a chef in Michelin-starred establishments across the world. In London he was Head Pastry Chef at Gary Rhodes’ Michelin starred restaurant and the award-winning Mandarin Oriental Hotel. It is in his current position as Product Development Manager for Marks & Spencer, that James's passion for Japanese culture and ingredients truly developed through research and in-depth visits to Tokyo and Osaka. James was recently a semi-finalist in the BBCs Bake Off: Crème de la Crème.


書名 / Japanese Patisserie: Exploring the Beautiful and Delicious Fusion of East Meets West
作者 / James Campbell
簡介 / Japanese Patisserie: Exploring the Beautiful and Delicious Fusion of East Meets West:融合東方與西方的美味饗宴,一同探索日本法式甜點的奇妙旅程當不同文化的美食相
ISBN13 / 9781849758109
ISBN10 / 1849758107
EAN / 9781849758109
誠品26碼 / 2681408640005
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X19CM
級別 / N:無
