Brewdog: Craft Beer for the People | 誠品線上

Brewdog: Craft Beer for the People

作者 James Watt/ Martin Dickie
商品描述 Brewdog: Craft Beer for the People:BrewDogisoneoftheworld'sfastest-growingfoodanddrinkbrands.Wellknownfortheircrowd-funded,rapidexpansionandiconoclasticapproac


內容簡介 BrewDog is one of the world's fastest-growing food and drink brands. Well known for their crowd-funded, rapid expansion and iconoclastic approach, the company now has a wide range of award-winning craft beers (67 to date) that are stocked by every major retailer, 55 BrewDog-branded bars around the world and is just opening a major brewery in Ohio. Their first beer book will focus on explaining craft beer to the widest possible audience.It includes a survey of what makes craft beer great, how to understand different beer styles, how to cook with beer and match beers and food, right through to how to brew your own. It's both a window into the BrewDog world and a repository of essential information.Designed in the highly individual style of the brand, the book includes quirky features such as spaces to place a drop of beer once you've ticked a particular beer off your 'to-drink' list and a DIY beer mat.


書名 / Brewdog: Craft Beer for the People
作者 / James Watt Martin Dickie
簡介 / Brewdog: Craft Beer for the People:BrewDogisoneoftheworld'sfastest-growingfoodanddrinkbrands.Wellknownfortheircrowd-funded,rapidexpansionandiconoclasticapproac
ISBN13 / 9781784722951
ISBN10 / 1784722952
EAN / 9781784722951
誠品26碼 / 2681443849005
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X19CM
級別 / N:無