Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense | 誠品線上

Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense

作者 Rory Sutherland
商品描述 Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense:廣告大師RorySutherland以人類行為學剖析瘋狂想法所帶來的驚人力量及廣告效益想要更傑出,你必須拋下理性


內容簡介 廣告大師Rory Sutherland以人類行為學剖析瘋狂想法所帶來的驚人力量及廣告效益想要更傑出,你必須拋下理性。為何紅牛能量飲料如此受到大眾歡迎,儘管所有人都痛恨它的味道?為什麼人們更喜歡擠出來有條紋的牙膏?為什麼我們以為柳橙汁是健康飲品?英國奧美集團副董事長Rory Sutherland的首本作品,結合行為科學和許多令人瞠目結舌的案例,一同挖掘成功行銷的關鍵要素。人們總是認為自己是理性的動物,經濟學和商業模式也假設人們會作出符合邏輯的決策,但事實上是,人類生來是非理性的。在我們生活中許多關鍵時刻,理性則扮演微乎其微的角色,因為人們總是無意識地被慾望所驅使,這就是為何安慰劑的效果會如此強大。人們總是被美麗、奢侈和荒謬的事物所吸引─從奢華的婚禮到品牌香水的新瓶身設計。因此,如果你想影響人們的選擇,就必須繞過理性,因為最棒的點子永遠都是毫無理性可言。 To be brilliant, you have to be irrationalWhy is Red Bull so popular – even though everyone hates the taste? Why do countdown boards on platforms take away the pain of train delays? And why do we prefer stripy toothpaste?We think we are rational creatures. Economics and business rely on the assumption that we make logical decisions based on evidence.But we aren’t, and we don’t.In many crucial areas of our lives, reason plays a vanishingly small part. Instead we are driven by unconscious desires, which is why placebos are so powerful. We are drawn to the beautiful, the extravagant and the absurd – from lavish wedding invitations to tiny bottles of the latest fragrance. So if you want to influence people’s choices you have to bypass reason. The best ideas don’t make rational sense: they make you feel more than they make you think.Rory Sutherland is the Ogilvy advertising legend whose TED Talks have been viewed nearly 7 million times. In his first book he blends cutting-edge behavioural science, jaw-dropping stories and a touch of branding magic, on his mission to turn us all into idea alchemists.


書名 / Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense
作者 / Rory Sutherland
簡介 / Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense:廣告大師RorySutherland以人類行為學剖析瘋狂想法所帶來的驚人力量及廣告效益想要更傑出,你必須拋下理性
ISBN13 / 9780753556511
ISBN10 / 0753556510
EAN / 9780753556511
誠品26碼 / 2681715716004
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.3X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無
