The CEO Next Door: The 4 Behaviors that Transform Ordinary People into World Class Leaders | 誠品線上

The CEO Next Door: The 4 Behaviors that Transform Ordinary People into World Class Leaders

作者 Elena Botelho/ Kim Powell/ Tahl Raz
商品描述 The CEO Next Door: The 4 Behaviors that Transform Ordinary People into World Class Leaders:登上HarvardBusinessReview2017May-June封面故事!「頂尖的成功人士必須


內容簡介 登上Harvard Business Review 2017 May-June 封面故事!「頂尖的成功人士必須具備哪些條件?波泰賀和波爾提供了解答,而且出乎你意料之外」─丹尼爾‧品克,《未來在等待的銷售人才》作者一般人對於成功之道的認知通常都是錯的,例如一定要會念書、念好學校,尤其在台灣這樣以成績、學歷為上的社會,這樣的印象更是深刻,但其實透過研究,只有七成的領導者是常春藤名校畢業,而有八成的領導者根本就沒有大學學歷!作者波泰賀和波爾花了將近兩年的時間,從一萬七千多的領導者中,挑選出兩千六百位,透過訪問蒐集資訊,研究成為成功領導者的秘密。研究結果不僅讓人大開眼界、跌破眼鏡,原來以前我們所想的成功之道有許多都是錯誤的!從研究結果中,作者們歸納出四項成功人士必備的特徵,果斷、值得信賴、大膽做出變化、和利害關係者正面交戰不逃避。除了一探成功人士的背後故事,從這四點特徵中,讀者也可以得到一些啟發,說不定也可以成為下一個頂尖的成功人士!Everything you thought you knew about becoming a CEO is wrong. You must graduate from an elite college or business school. In fact, only 7 percent of the CEOs of today's companies went to a top school--and 8 percent didn't graduate from college at all. Never put a foot wrong. In fact, people who have become CEOs have on average had five to seven career setbacks on their way to the top.Drawing on the biggest dataset of CEOs in the world -- in-depth analysis of 2,600 leaders, drawn from a database of 17,000 CEOs, as well as 13,000 hours of interviews -- The CEO Next Door is crammed full of myth-busting and counter-intuitive insights in what it really takes to get ahead. Discover the way actual CEOs of top companies think and behave, and the kind of traits to develop if you want to make your ambitions a reality and take your career right to the top.


書名 / The CEO Next Door: The 4 Behaviors that Transform Ordinary People into World Class Leaders
作者 / Elena Botelho Kim Powell Tahl Raz
簡介 / The CEO Next Door: The 4 Behaviors that Transform Ordinary People into World Class Leaders:登上HarvardBusinessReview2017May-June封面故事!「頂尖的成功人士必須
ISBN13 / 9780753552193
ISBN10 / 0753552191
EAN / 9780753552193
誠品26碼 / 2681538491003
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無