Streampunks: How YouTube and the New Creators Are Transforming Our Lives | 誠品線上

Streampunks: How YouTube and the New Creators Are Transforming Our Lives

作者 Robert Kyncl/ Maany Peyvan
商品描述 Streampunks: How YouTube and the New Creators Are Transforming Our Lives:Youtube商務長與Google首席演說撰稿人聯手──首部細數Youtube崛起與網路紅人幕後故事的唯一


內容簡介 Youtube商務長與Google首席演說撰稿人聯手──首部細數Youtube崛起與網路紅人幕後故事的唯一授權著作!★ Netflix創辦人兼執行長里德.哈斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)推薦全球人類觀看影片的時間,比從事其他任何活動的時間都還要長,但媒介已漸漸從電視轉向網路影片。Youtube自2005年創立,成為第一個全球影音平台,使用者達數十億人。不管在台灣或國外,不管是網紅還是網路翻唱歌手,都代表娛樂界正經歷重大轉變!過去十年間,網路影片平台大大改變了媒體與娛樂,就如同電影、廣播與電視的發明般劃時代;Youtube也出現許多電視上不曾看過的新型態內容,如開箱文、電玩遊戲破關解析、觀看MV後的「反應影片」(reaction video)等等。本書是第一手紀錄,一探Youtube如何發展與崛起,也分享作者稱之為「串流龐克」的網路影片創作者發跡的精彩故事。Youtube商務長(Chief Business Officer)羅伯特.金科爾曾任職於HBO與Netflix,他與Google首席演說撰稿人馬尼.培文聯手,分享如何吸取來自前公司的經驗,也帶來左右娛樂界未來重要角色的幕後花絮,不管是在Youtube上發掘當年12歲的小賈斯汀的經紀人斯庫特.布勞恩,還是最具影響力的網路紅人發跡的故事,如最早期的全能型創作者葛林兄弟(Green brothers),甚至發起一年一度的「美國網紅節」(Vidcon)活動論壇,吸引來自各界的創作者、粉絲與企業主,都說明著網路影片的影響力不可小覷。本書描繪現代流行文化巨擎的發跡,也是網路影片創作者的故事,說明為什麼娛樂界的新規則正在改寫,以及娛樂界的全景如何經歷重大轉變,也給有野心往娛樂圈發展的人實用的建議,進而開啟屬於自己的娛樂事業。金科爾表示,縱使一般會擔憂科技壓榨藝術家或降低藝術品質,但事實上新的媒體革命卻扮演激發創意迅速發展的角色,帶來更加吸引人也更加多元的內容。Youtube不僅不斷產出娛樂界的新面孔,也改變了教育、社會議題、企業行銷與業務拓展的景況!Across the planet, humans spend more of their free time watching video than doing anything else. But increasingly it’s not TV they're watching, but online video. In 2016, Swedish vlogger PewDiePie made a record $15 million from his YouTube videos, beating Hollywood A-listers like Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts and Amy Adams. Something massive is shifting in the world of entertainment.Since its founding in 2005, YouTube has become the first and only truly global media platform, with over a billion users worldwide. It has changed the media industry as profoundly as the development of radio, film and television. In Streampunks, YouTube’s Chief Business Officer Robert Kyncl gets to the heart of this creative revolution through behind-the-scenes stories of its biggest stars – YouTubers like Tyler Oakley, Lilly Singh, and Casey Neistat—and the dealmakers brokering the future of media, like Scooter Braun, who scouted 12-year old Justin Bieber on YouTube, and Vice media mogul Shane Smith who used the platform to turn young people onto news and current affairs.By giving anyone with a smartphone their own TV channel, YouTube is fuelling a new creative boom. Not only is it generating the new faces of entertainment, but also changing how students are taught, how social issues are discussed and how small businesses advertise and develop.Streampunks is the definitive book on the modern pop-culture juggernaut Youtube, the platform remaking the face of entertainment.


書名 / Streampunks: How YouTube and the New Creators Are Transforming Our Lives
作者 / Robert Kyncl Maany Peyvan
簡介 / Streampunks: How YouTube and the New Creators Are Transforming Our Lives:Youtube商務長與Google首席演說撰稿人聯手──首部細數Youtube崛起與網路紅人幕後故事的唯一
ISBN13 / 9780753545928
ISBN10 / 0753545926
EAN / 9780753545928
誠品26碼 / 2681477259009
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無