Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success | 誠品線上

成長駭客攻略: 數位行銷教父教你打造高速成長團隊

作者 西恩.艾利斯/ 摩根.布朗
商品描述 Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success:“成長駭客”(GrowthHacker)的先驅者與共同創辦人MorganBrown與SeanEllis打造的電子行銷


內容簡介 “成長駭客”(Growth Hacker)的先驅者與共同創辦人Morgan Brown與Sean Ellis打造的電子行銷教戰手冊,讓你的公司就像矽谷及其他快速成長的公司,如:Uber, Facebook, Airbnb, Dropbox, LinkedIn與Pinterest一樣,利用這個最夯的行銷手法,抓住你的客戶,賣出你的產品,使業績蒸蒸日上。這是一本每個做生意的人,都必須一讀的書。業績成長已經是投資人、股民與市場分析師評估企業的第一要件。”獲利世代”的企業所做的是策略,”精實創業”的公司著重於產品研發,而”駭客成長”所關注的便是市場佔有率的成長。駭客成長主要的目標在客戶,如何增加新客戶,保住老客戶,並且一直吸引他們,從中獲利?利用這本內容全面的”工具包”或者”聖經”,身處不同產業的公司都能從中發揮並執行自己的”成長駭客”策略。從如何成立並運營成長團隊,如何辨識並測試成長槓桿,如何評估結果並對結果採取行動,本書都有論及。如果你要突破傳統行銷的窠臼,並且更具團隊合作力,減少浪費,達到穩定、不斷往上累積、以資料驅動的業績成長,這本書絕對是你的首選。'a compelling methodology... to increase market share quickly' -- Eric Ries, bestselling author of THE LEAN STARTUP'a must-read for anyone in business' -- James Currier, managing partner, NFX Guild'will teach you how to think like a marketer of tomorrow' -- Josh Elman, partner, Greylock PartnersGrowth is now the first thing that investors, shareholders and market analysts look for in assessing and valuing companies. HACKING GROWTH is a highly accessible, practical, method for growth that involves cross-functional teams and continuous testing and iteration. Hacking Growth does for marketshare growth what THE LEAN STARTUP does for product development and BUSINESS MODEL GENERATION does for strategy. HACKING GROWTH focuses on customers - how to attain them, retain them, engage them, and monetize them - rather than product.Written by the method's pioneers, this book is a comprehensive toolkit or "bible" that any company in any industry can use to implement their own Growth Hacking strategy, from how to set up and run growth teams, to how to identify and test growth levers, and how to evaluate and act on the results. It is designed for any company or leader looking to break out of the ruts of traditional marketing and become more collaborative, less wasteful, and achieve more consistent, replicable, and data-driven results.


書名 / Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success
作者 / 西恩.艾利斯 摩根.布朗
簡介 / Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success:“成長駭客”(GrowthHacker)的先驅者與共同創辦人MorganBrown與SeanEllis打造的電子行銷
ISBN13 / 9780753545379
ISBN10 / 0753545373
EAN / 9780753545379
誠品26碼 / 2681430157007
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無
