The Airbnb Story: How Three Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions of Dollars... and Plenty of Enemies | 誠品線上

Airbnb創業生存法則: 多次啟動、敏捷應變、超速成長的新世代商業模式

作者 莉.蓋勒格
商品描述 The Airbnb Story: How Three Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions of Dollars... and Plenty of Enemies:首部深入報導Airbnb成功故事的商業書,見證其崛起的內幕


內容簡介 首部深入報導Airbnb成功故事的商業書,見證其崛起的內幕!您可曾想過,打造襲捲全球的Airbnb的幕後人物是誰嗎?由《財星》雜誌編輯撰寫,首部深入探討Airbnb成功故事與現象的書籍!Airbnb在短短十年間成為全球最大住宿提供者,市值到達九千億台幣,是共享經濟的成功例證,更成為文化現象;另一方面,影響力遍及全球的它樹敵不少,不僅旅館業者深受波及、也引發執法者的關注……不過,您知道當初Airbnb只不過是三名年輕人異想天開的想法嗎?2008年,破產的藝術學院學生布萊恩.切斯基(Brian Chesky)、喬.傑比亞(Joe Gebbia),和天才工程師內森.布萊卡斯亞克(Nathan Blecharczyk)創立了Airbnb平台,提供旅館難以複製的新穎旅遊體驗,在十年內成為全球最大住宿供應者。它是新創產業中的佼佼者、共享經濟的代表,卻也樹立不少敵人。本書細數Airbnb的快速崛起、面臨的挑戰、潛在的隱憂,到近年提出的品牌新概念與轉變等等,也深入剖析共同創辦人兼執行長布萊恩.切斯基。Airbnb如何發展至今日的規模?下一步會往哪裡走?您將可以在本書中找到答案。In 2008, two broke art school graduates and their coder-whiz friend set up a platform that – in less than a decade – became the largest provider of accommodations in the world. Now valued at $30 billion, Airbnb is in the very top tier of Silicon Valley’s ‘unicorn’ startups.Yet the company has not been without controversy – disrupting a $500 billion hotel industry makes you a few enemies. This is also a story of regulators who want to shut it down, hotel industry leaders who want it to disappear and neighbourhoods that struggle with private homes open for public rental. But beyond the headlines and the horror stories, Airbnb has changed the terms of travel for a whole generation – where a sense of belonging has built trust between hosts and guests seeking a more original travel experience that hotels have struggled to replicate.This is the first, definitive book to tell the remarkable story behind Airbnb in all its forms – cultural zeitgeist, hotel disruptor, enemy to regulators – and the first in-depth character study of its leader Brian Chesky, the company’s curious co-founder and CEO. It reveals what got Airbnb where it is today, why they are nothing like Uber, and where they are going next.


書名 / The Airbnb Story: How Three Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions of Dollars... and Plenty of Enemies
作者 / 莉.蓋勒格
簡介 / The Airbnb Story: How Three Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions of Dollars... and Plenty of Enemies:首部深入報導Airbnb成功故事的商業書,見證其崛起的內幕
ISBN13 / 9780753545584
ISBN10 / 0753545586
EAN / 9780753545584
誠品26碼 / 2681416548003
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無