內容簡介 大數據的無所不在為您所不能忽略,知名科普作家布萊恩.克雷格以平易近人、淺顯易懂的方式,帶您了解大數據!英國脫歐公投的結果是大數據政治的成功,還是民主的終結?為什麼航空公司會超賣機位?為什麼銀行作業這麼常出錯?Netflix如何用大數據預測下一部熱門影集?歐洲核子研究組織如何用大數據發現希格斯玻色子?醫護人員如何利用大數據發現紅酒是否有益於身體?企業如何藉由大數據,用廣告監視消費者?企業如何利用大數據發展零工經濟?現代世界的數據量,賦予我們前所未有的預測能力,不僅回應顧客的需求,也解決問題。但大數據就如同無所不在、時時扮演監控角色的「老大哥」,它一體兩面,讓我們獲得自由、提升生活品質,卻也具有製造出下層階級與極權社會的可能性。現在就跟著知名科普作家的腳步,以平易近人、淺顯易懂的方式了解大數據!Is the Brexit vote successful big data politics or the end of democracy? Why do airlines overbook, and why do banks get it wrong so often? How does big data enable Netflix to forecast a hit, CERN to find the Higgs boson and medics to discover if red wine really is good for you? And how are companies using big data to benefit from smart meters, use advertising that spies on you and develop the gig economy, where workers are managed by the whim of an algorithm?The volumes of data we now access can give unparalleled abilities to make predictions, respond to customer demand and solve problems. But Big Brother’s shadow hovers over it. Though big data can set us free and enhance our lives, it has the potential to create an underclass and a totalitarian state.With big data ever-present, you can’t afford to ignore it. Acclaimed science writer Brian Clegg - a habitual early adopter of new technology (and the owner of the second-ever copy of Windows in the UK) - brings big data to life.