George Lucas | 誠品線上

George Lucas

作者 Brian Jay Jones
商品描述 George Lucas:《BBC》強力推薦:12月最值得閱讀的書籍之一窺視一代電影大師喬治‧盧卡斯如何以經典難忘的電影征服全世界1977年,默默無名的電影人喬治‧盧卡斯在經歷困難


內容簡介 《BBC》強力推薦:12月最值得閱讀的書籍之一窺視一代電影大師喬治‧盧卡斯如何以經典難忘的電影征服全世界 1977年,默默無名的電影人喬治‧盧卡斯在經歷困難重重的拍攝歷程與壓縮的預算,從構想、劇本撰寫到拍攝皆獨立完成,他的科幻電影《星際大戰》終於在美國32家戲院首度上映。然而《星際大戰》的出現,透過全新的電影拍攝手法、行銷方式及大量的電影商品銷售,徹底改變好萊塢電影史。初嚐成名之果的喬治‧盧卡斯因此乘勝追擊,推出冒險鉅片《印第安納•瓊斯》系列,徹底顛覆當時的電影特效及音效體制。喬治‧盧卡斯的作品及傳奇,帶領電影及電視作品走向創新及自由化的全新世界。喬治為了追求藝術自由,尋求全新的電影宣傳方式及探索電影數位技術的精神,使他成為過去50年來影響影史最深的電影人。 在這本傳記電影書中,作者將重點放在喬治‧盧卡斯的核心作品,包括他與電影公司交涉的艱難心路歷程,還有《美國風情畫》、《星際大戰》等經典電影差點夭折等不為人知的軼事。 George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones is the first comprehensive telling of the story of the iconic filmmaker and the building of his film empire, as well as of his enormous impact on cinema. At once a biography, a business manual, and a film history, George Lucas will, for the first time explore the life and work of a fiercely independent writer director producer who became one of the most influential filmmakers and cultural icons - a true game changer.On May 25, 1977, a problem-plagued, budget-straining, independent science fiction film opened in a mere thirty-two American movie theatres. Its distributor - 20th Century Fox - were baffled by the film. The film's production had been a disaster from nearly day one, hampered by bad weather, malfunctioning props and ill-fitting costumes. But its release on a quiet Wednesday in May of 1977, changed cinema forever. The film was Star Wars.The fiercely independent thirty-three year-old George Lucas was just getting going. Determined to control every element of the film-making process he had founded Lucasfilm ltd., in 1971. Among his hits, Lucas gave us six Star Wars films and four featuring the globetrotting archaeologist Indiana Jones. Together these ten films have earned more than $6 billion worldwide and won some of the largest and most devoted fan bases ever seen. In 2013 he sold Lucasfilm to Disney for $4.05 billion. Along the way the man who invented the Blockbuster also gave us computer generated imagery (CGI), created a small animation company called Pixar and reinvented the way movies were made, marketed and merchandised.


書名 / George Lucas
作者 / Brian Jay Jones
簡介 / George Lucas:《BBC》強力推薦:12月最值得閱讀的書籍之一窺視一代電影大師喬治‧盧卡斯如何以經典難忘的電影征服全世界1977年,默默無名的電影人喬治‧盧卡斯在經歷困難
ISBN13 / 9781472224330
ISBN10 / 1472224337
EAN / 9781472224330
誠品26碼 / 2681400194001
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無
