The Mirror and the Light | 誠品線上

The Mirror and the Light

作者 希拉蕊.曼特爾
商品描述 The Mirror and the Light:【2020布克獎初選入圍作品!】期待已久的《狼廳》(WolfHall)《提堂》(BringUptheBodies)續集即將出版,這是希拉里·曼特爾(HilaryMantel)獲得布


內容簡介 兩屆曼布克獎得主希拉蕊.曼特爾史詩鉅作「狼廳系列」終部曲《鏡與光》,重磅登場── 一場文學盛宴,一段史詩之旅 ──★《衛報》二十一世紀近二十年百大好書榜首★《時代雜誌》年度最佳小說★《紐約時報》近十年最偉大的歷史小說你的一生,取決於國王的下一次心跳,你的未來,就看他是微笑,還是皺眉。克倫威爾 最後的歲月來自帕特尼的鐵匠之子 ,在血的季節中飛黃騰達,掌握權力和財富。他既是掠食者,也是獵物,在過去與現在之間掙扎 ,在國王的意志和平民的憧憬中撲騰,然而國王的欲望像石磨將他碾成粉末;他終被掃入記憶的灰燼裡……一五三六年五月,英格蘭。來自法蘭西的劊子手,長劍一揮──在兩次心跳的間隔,第二任王后安妮.博林已人頭落地。湯瑪斯.克倫威爾與勝利者共進早餐,而他那令人畏懼的主子亨利八世迫不及待與第三任王后珍.西摩繾綣纏綿。克倫威爾沒有家世、沒有軍隊,只能靠智謀求生存,爬上權力的顛峰。儘管亨利八世遭受內憂外患的雙重夾擊,克倫威爾憑藉強大的想像力,在未來之鏡看到了一個新的國家。然而,一個國家,或者一個人,是否能像蛇蛻皮一樣褪去過往的一切?死者是否會一再地破土而出?西班牙大使問克倫威爾,如果有一天國王翻臉,你怎麼辦?畢竟此君冷酷無情,身邊的人沒一個有好下場……國際媒體好評《鏡與光》是狼廳三部曲的扛鼎之作……曼特爾是偉大的政治權力剖析者。──《紐約時報》席嘉爾(Parul Sehgal)劇力萬鈞……這系列小說的情節安排就像任何驚悚小說那樣巧妙……曼特爾透過《狼廳》三部曲重新定義了歷史小說。總的來說,這是本世紀最偉大的英國小說。──《衛報》梅瑞特(Stephanie Merritt)《鏡與光》跟前兩部一樣好嗎?沒錯。這部小說是經典之作嗎?無庸置疑……在現代小說家中,曼特爾是獨一無二的,因為她能召喚過去,栩栩如生地呈現在你眼前。她重塑了一個既美麗又讓人驚懼的時代,她描繪的場景可與莎士比亞的戲劇媲美。她是人物塑造的天才!──《洛杉磯時報》有深度、懸疑、耐人尋味、複雜、使人著迷……這部小說真的是一場文學盛宴。最神奇的是,終部曲《鏡與光》與前兩部榮獲曼布克獎之作,有過之而無不及。──《華爾街日報雜誌》吉爾伯特(Elizabeth Gilbert)豐富、如美酒般醇厚的小說,《鏡與光》是這三部曲的顛峰之作,每一頁的文字都熠熠生輝……緊湊、現在時態的敘述讓你覺得你正透過搖晃的鏡頭在現場觀看那些歷史事件……曼特爾將歷史小說提升為一種藝術形式……在文學日益邊緣化的今天,她帶領我們進入歷史的黑暗中心。──《泰晤士報》曼特爾把英國歷史寫成史詩般的巨著,就像維吉爾寫的《埃涅阿斯》和托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》……克倫威爾一生千絲萬縷,織成了一幅偉大的繡帷,令人嘆為觀止。──英國《每日電訊報》深入探索權力、性、忠誠、友誼、宗教、階級和治國之道……《鏡與光》為這偉大的三部曲畫下令人驚嘆的句點。──英國《獨立報》《狼廳》三部曲是英國文學的重要成就!──英國《旁觀者》雜誌本中文書介出自《狼廳終部曲: 鏡與光 上下》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版Shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2020Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2020The long-awaited sequel to Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, the stunning conclusion to Hilary Mantel’s Man Booker Prize-winning Wolf Hall trilogy.A Guardian Book of the Year • A Times Book of the Year • A Daily Telegraph Book of the Year‘A masterpiece’ Guardian‘It is a book not read, but lived’ Telegraph‘Her Cromwell novels are, for my money, the greatest English novels of this century’ Observer‘If you cannot speak truth at a beheading, when can you speak it?’England, May 1536. Anne Boleyn is dead, decapitated in the space of a heartbeat by a hired French executioner. As her remains are bundled into oblivion, Thomas Cromwell breakfasts with the victors. The blacksmith’s son from Putney emerges from the spring’s bloodbath to continue his climb to power and wealth, while his formidable master, Henry VIII, settles to short-lived happiness with his third queen, Jane Seymour.Cromwell is a man with only his wits to rely on; he has no great family to back him, no private army. Despite rebellion at home, traitors plotting abroad and the threat of invasion testing Henry’s regime to breaking point, Cromwell’s robust imagination sees a new country in the mirror of the future. But can a nation, or a person, shed the past like a skin? Do the dead continually unbury themselves? What will you do, the Spanish ambassador asks Cromwell, when the king turns on you, as sooner or later he turns on everyone close to him?With The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel brings to a triumphant close the trilogy she began with Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies. She traces the final years of Thomas Cromwell, the boy from nowhere who climbs to the heights of power, offering a defining portrait of predator and prey, of a ferocious contest between present and past, between royal will and a common man’s vision: of a modern nation making itself through conflict, passion and courage."


作者介紹 希拉里·曼特爾(Hilary Mantel),英國作家,代表作包括《一個更安全的地方》(A PLACE of GREATER SAFETY)、《超越黑色》(BEYOND BLACK)、回憶錄《放棄幽靈》(GIVING UP the GHOST)和短篇小傳《刺殺瑪格麗特·柴契爾》(the ASSASSINATION of MARGARET THATCHER)。她最近的兩部小說《狼廳》及其續集《提堂》分別獲得2009年和2012年布克獎,創造了布克獎歷史上的史無前例——她是第一位兩度獲布克獎的英國作家,也是第一位憑藉一部作品的續集再添殊榮的女性作家。Hilary Mantel is the author of fourteen books, including A PLACE OF GREATER SAFETY, BEYOND BLACK, the memoir GIVING UP THE GHOST, and the short-story collection THE ASSASSINATION OF MARGARET THATCHER. Her two most recent novels, WOLF HALL and its sequel BRING UP THE BODIES, have both been awarded the Man Booker Prize – an unprecedented achievement.


書名 / The Mirror and the Light
作者 / 希拉蕊.曼特爾
簡介 / The Mirror and the Light:【2020布克獎初選入圍作品!】期待已久的《狼廳》(WolfHall)《提堂》(BringUptheBodies)續集即將出版,這是希拉里·曼特爾(HilaryMantel)獲得布
ISBN13 / 9780007580835
ISBN10 / 0007580835
EAN / 9780007580835
誠品26碼 / 2681838015008
頁數 / 912
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X15.9X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
