內容簡介 我們可以拒吃不健康的食物,但是我們避開不了被汙染的空氣。空汙已經成為全球最嚴重的環境健康危機,科學界才剛開始揭露空汙帶來的廣大影響。全世界每天死於空汙的人有1萬9千人,比死於愛滋病、結核病和死亡車禍的總和還要多。到底我們所呼吸的空氣出了什麼問題?報導永續議題的新聞記者Tim Smedley走訪世界各地,到對抗空汙的前線城市,諸如:德里、北京、倫敦、巴黎等地,試圖找出答案。從科學家與領導對抗空汙的政治人物們,以及生活已經受到空汙影響的民眾們的洞見中,作者透過本書,詳盡說明空汙的來龍去脈:空汙是什麼,那些是有害的汙染物,它們來自何處,最重要的是,我們的因應之道。空汙是一項可以解決的問題,本書所揭露的故事將告訴我們該如何解決。如果你在意呼吸的空氣,那麼這本《乾淨空氣》就是一本必讀之作。Read this book and join the effort to terminate air pollution.' Arnold Schwarzenegger Air pollution has become the world's greatest environmental health risk, and science is only beginning to reveal its wide-ranging effects. Globally, 19,000 people die each day from air pollution, killing more than HIV AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and car accidents combined. What happened to the air we breathe? Sustainability journalist Tim Smedley has travelled the world to try and find the answer, visiting cities at the forefront of the fight against air pollution, including Delhi, Beijing, London and Paris. With insights from the scientists and politicians leading the battle against it, and people whose lives have been affected by it, Clearing the Air tells the full story of air pollution for the first time: what it is, which pollutants are harmful, where they come from and - most importantly - what we can do about them. Air pollution is a problem that can be solved. The stories uncovered on this journey show us how. Clearing the Air is essential reading for anyone who cares about the air they breathe. And this much becomes clear: in the fight against air pollution, we all have a part to play. The fightback has begun. 'Compulsory reading' Chris Boardman