內容簡介 故事從一對小男孩的親密友誼開始。12歲的富家少爺阿米爾與僕人哈山,從小一塊長大,年齡相仿的兩人情同兄弟,總是一起玩耍,一起分享有趣的故事。然而,在一場風箏比賽後,發生了一件悲慘不堪的事,永久破壞了兩人之間的情誼,從此各自走上不同的人生道路,可是最後卻也以兩人始料未及的方式,重新連接起彼此的關係。即使阿米爾不久跟隨父親逃往美國,以為可以因此逃避過去的自己,但關於哈山的回憶一直縈繞不去。阿米爾感到非常愧疚,無法原諒自己當年對哈山的背叛與懦弱的行為。為了贖罪,阿米爾終於再度踏上暌違二十多年的故鄉,希望能為不幸的好友盡最後一點心力……這是一個關於背叛的代價、贖罪的可能的故事,也是一個關於父親對兒子影響的故事--包括父親對兒子的愛、奉獻與謊言。小說背景也涉及了阿富汗過去到目前的狀況,讀者也得以從本書一窺這個神祕國度。The #1 New York Times bestselling debut novel that introduced Khaled Hosseini to millions of readers the world over. The unforgettable, heartbreaking story of the unlikely friendship between a wealthy boy and the son of his father’s servant, caught in the tragic sweep of history, The Kite Runner transports readers to Afghanistan at a tense and crucial moment of change and destruction. A powerful story of friendship, it is also about the power of reading, the price of betrayal, and the possibility of redemption; and an exploration of the power of fathers over sons—their love, their sacrifices, their lies. Since its publication in 2003 Kite Runner has become a beloved, one-of-a-kind classic of contemporary literature, touching millions of readers, and launching the career of one of America's most treasured writers."