Circe | 誠品線上


作者 Madeline Miller
商品描述 Circe:「讓人愛不釋手。在她精心編織出的世界裡,沒有任何一個安排是錯誤的」─英國衛報「這是一本很難讓人放下的書」─唐娜‧塔特,《金翅雀》作者眾多媒體2018必讀清單


內容簡介 ** 2012年柑橘獎得主****《阿基里斯之歌》作者**「讓人愛不釋手。在她精心編織出的世界裡,沒有任何一個安排是錯誤的」─英國衛報「這是一本很難讓人放下的書」─唐娜‧塔特,《金翅雀》作者眾多媒體2018必讀清單之一賽斯為太陽神的女兒,但出生時並沒有受到重視和喜愛,反而是被眾神拒之門外,賽斯只能找上凡人尋求安慰,並且發掘一種被禁止的力量,也就是巫術。當賽斯的巫術被眾神發現時,宙斯大怒,將她逐放到偏遠的愛亞島,雖然如此,但賽斯卻並非總是過著孤單的日子,眾神來來去去,信使赫米斯、工匠代達洛斯、伊薩卡島之王奧德修斯都曾經過愛亞島。賽斯雖是被逐放到愛亞島,遠離世界,但她的獨立卻也引來眾神、凡人的不滿,為了要保護她最親愛的事物,賽斯必須在眾神和凡人之間做出選擇。麥德琳‧米勒對於古典文學相當喜愛,也做了許多研究,這本小說是受到荷馬的著名史詩《奧德賽》啟發,寫下關於神和英雄、魔法和怪物、生存和改變的故事。From the Orange Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author of The Song of Achilles comes the powerful story of the mythological witch Circe, inspired by Homer's OdysseyChosen as must-read book of 2018 by the Guardian, Independent, Mail on Sunday, Sunday Express and StylistIn the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe has neither the look nor the voice of divinity, and is scorned and rejected by her kin. Increasingly isolated, she turns to mortals for companionship, leading her to discover a power forbidden to the gods: witchcraft.When love drives Circe to cast a dark spell, wrathful Zeus banishes her to the remote island of Aiaia. There she learns to harness her occult craft, drawing strength from nature. But she will not always be alone; many are destined to pass through Circe's place of exile, entwining their fates with hers. The messenger god, Hermes. The craftsman, Daedalus. A ship bearing a golden fleece. And wily Odysseus, on his epic voyage home.There is danger for a solitary woman in this world, and Circe's independence draws the wrath of men and gods alike. To protect what she holds dear, Circe must decide whether she belongs with the deities she is born from, or the mortals she has come to love.Breathing life into the ancient world, Madeline Miller weaves an intoxicating tale of gods and heroes, magic and monsters, survival and transformation.


書名 / Circe
作者 / Madeline Miller
簡介 / Circe:「讓人愛不釋手。在她精心編織出的世界裡,沒有任何一個安排是錯誤的」─英國衛報「這是一本很難讓人放下的書」─唐娜‧塔特,《金翅雀》作者眾多媒體2018必讀清單
ISBN13 / 9781408890073
ISBN10 / 1408890070
EAN / 9781408890073
誠品26碼 / 2681552184004
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無
