How to Sound Really Clever: 600 Words You Need to Know | 誠品線上

How to Sound Really Clever: 600 Words You Need to Know

作者 Hubert van den Bergh
商品描述 How to Sound Really Clever: 600 Words You Need to Know:這本實用的英語學習工具書,收錄超過600組常見的進階英文字彙及圖說,詳細說明各種日常生活常見的英語關鍵字,


內容簡介 《原來你是這個意思》全新再版!超過600個常用英文關鍵字,一次搞懂常見英文進階詞彙,擺脫一知半解的窘境!「非常有趣的英語字彙工具書,如果你想知道自我及超我的區別,或是解釋外源及內部兩個字彙的真正意涵,本書將會是最佳選擇。」--Philip Gooden/《Idiomantics》作者這本實用的英語學習工具書,收錄超過600組常見的進階英文字彙及圖說,詳細說明各種日常生活常見的英語關鍵字,並附上生活化的例句及相關的短篇故事與插畫,讓你一次搞懂艱深難解的單字,加深記憶及印象。例如condign(公約)、Zelig-like(千面人)及agitprop(煽動)等特殊單字。本書為《原來你是這個意思》的全新再版,收錄更多網路新用語及流行對話,600組必備單字看一次就懂,不需再額外花費時間翻閱字典。每一組單字都有專屬的辭源解說,帶領讀者徹底擺脫面對英文生字的困境。 How to Sound Really Clever explains and illustrates over 600 words that can mystify and outfox us, such as 'condign', 'Zelig-like' and 'agitprop'. This is the sequel to the successful How to Sound Clever (2010), which taught you 600 words you really ought to have known but never had the time to look up in the dictionary. Each entry features an etymological description, as well as useful example phrases so that readers can quickly see the correct context for each word. Anecdotes and witty illustrations appear throughout, making this an entertaining book that will help readers to boost their vocabulary.


書名 / How to Sound Really Clever: 600 Words You Need to Know
作者 / Hubert van den Bergh
簡介 / How to Sound Really Clever: 600 Words You Need to Know:這本實用的英語學習工具書,收錄超過600組常見的進階英文字彙及圖說,詳細說明各種日常生活常見的英語關鍵字,
ISBN13 / 9781472922472
ISBN10 / 1472922476
EAN / 9781472922472
誠品26碼 / 2681379835004
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X1.8X13.1CM
級別 / N:無
