Philosophy East West: Exploring Intersections Between Educational and Contemplative Practices | 誠品線上

Philosophy East West: Exploring Intersections Between Educational and Contemplative Practices

作者 Oren Ergas/ Sharon Todd/ Ed.
出版社 John Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte.
商品描述 Philosophy East West: Exploring Intersections Between Educational and Contemplative Practices:PhilosophyEast/Westshowcasesnewscholarshipinthephilosophyofeducat


內容簡介 Philosophy East West showcases new scholarship in the philosophy of education and contemplative studies, paying particular attention to the intersection of mindfulness, evidence-based science, and wisdom traditions.‧Moves beyond simplistic explanations of “Eastern” and “Western” to explore the complexity and diversity of various wisdom traditions‧ Investigates the effect of mindfulness-based curricular interventions on current educational theory and practice‧Uses insights from important Western philosophers—including Heidegger, Levinas, and Foucault—to situate contemplative practice within contemporary educational theory‧ Emphasizes the importance of transcultural and intercultural approaches in the philosophy of education


作者介紹 Oren Ergas lectures at the School of Education at the Hebrew University and at a number of teacher colleges in Israel. His research focuses on curricular and pedagogical aspects of contemplative education. His work has been published widely in peer-reviewed journals and books, including Critical Studies in Education, Paideusis, The Journal of Transformative Education, The Routledge International Handbook for Education, Religion and Values (2013) and New Social Foundations: Education in Post-Secular Society (2015). Sharon Todd is Professor of Education at Maynooth University, Ireland. She has written extensively on ethical relations, the politics of education, feminism, and issues of cultural difference and social justice. She is the author of Toward an Imperfect Education: Facing Humanity, Rethinking Cosmopolitanism (2009) and Learning from the Other: Levinas, Psychoanalysis and Ethical Possibilities in Education (2003) and is the co-editor of Re-imagining Educational Relationships: Ethics, Politics and Practices (Wiley, 2014).


書名 / Philosophy East West: Exploring Intersections Between Educational and Contemplative Practices
作者 / Oren Ergas Sharon Todd Ed.
簡介 / Philosophy East West: Exploring Intersections Between Educational and Contemplative Practices:PhilosophyEast Westshowcasesnewscholarshipinthephilosophyofeducat
出版社 / John Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte.
ISBN13 / 9781119147336
ISBN10 / 1119147336
EAN / 9781119147336
誠品26碼 / 2681366724007
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.7X15.4CM
級別 / N:無