Spaces of Global Capitalism: A Theory of Uneven Geographical Development | 誠品線上

Spaces of Global Capitalism: A Theory of Uneven Geographical Development

作者 David Harvey
商品描述 Spaces of Global Capitalism: A Theory of Uneven Geographical Development:Fiscalcriseshavecascadedacrossmuchofthedevelopingworldwithdevastatingresults,fromMexic


內容簡介 Fiscal crises have cascaded across much of the developing world with devastating results, from Mexico to Indonesia, Russia and Argentina. The extreme volatility in contemporary political economic fortunes seems to mock our best efforts to understand the forces that drive development in the world economy.David Harvey is the single most important geographer writing today and a leading social theorist of our age, offering a comprehensive critique of contemporary capitalism. In this fascinating book, he shows the way forward for just such an understanding, enlarging upon the key themes in his recent work: the development of neoliberalism, the spread of inequalities across the globe, and ‘space’ as a key theoretical concept.Both a major declaration of a new research programme and a concise introduction to David Harvey’s central concerns, this book will be essential reading for scholars and students across the humanities and social sciences.


作者介紹 David Harvey teaches at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and is the author of many books, including Social Justice and the City, The Condition of Postmodernity, The Limits to Capital, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Spaces of Global Capitalism, and A Companion to Marx’s Capital. His website is


書名 / Spaces of Global Capitalism: A Theory of Uneven Geographical Development
作者 / David Harvey
簡介 / Spaces of Global Capitalism: A Theory of Uneven Geographical Development:Fiscalcriseshavecascadedacrossmuchofthedevelopingworldwithdevastatingresults,fromMexic
ISBN13 / 9781788734653
ISBN10 / 1788734653
EAN / 9781788734653
誠品26碼 / 2681856257008
頁數 / 154
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X12.9X1.3CM
級別 / N:無
