The Limits to Capital | 誠品線上

The Limits to Capital

作者 David Harvey
商品描述 The Limits to Capital:AmajorrereadingofMarx’scritiqueofpoliticaleconomyNowaclassicofMarxianeconomics,TheLimitstoCapitalprovidesoneofthebesttheoreticalguidesto


內容簡介 A major rereading of Marx’s critique of political economyNow a classic of Marxian economics, The Limits to Capital provides one of the best theoretical guides to the history and geography of capitalist development. In this edition, Harvey updates his seminal text with a substantial discussion of the turmoil in world markets today. Delving into concepts such as “fictitious capital” and “uneven geographical development,” Harvey takes the reader step by step through layers of crisis formation, beginning with Marx’s controversial argument concerning the falling rate of profit and closing with a timely foray into the geopolitical and geographical implications of Marx’s work.


作者介紹 David Harvey teaches at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and is the author of many books, including Social Justice and the City, The Condition of Postmodernity, The Limits to Capital, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Spaces of Global Capitalism, and A Companion to Marx's Capital.


書名 / The Limits to Capital
作者 / David Harvey
簡介 / The Limits to Capital:AmajorrereadingofMarx’scritiqueofpoliticaleconomyNowaclassicofMarxianeconomics,TheLimitstoCapitalprovidesoneofthebesttheoreticalguidesto
ISBN13 / 9781788731010
ISBN10 / 1788731018
EAN / 9781788731010
誠品26碼 / 2681732529007
頁數 / 478
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 14.2X21X2.9CM
級別 / N:無
