Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, And Why | 誠品線上

Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, And Why

作者 Stephen Martin/ Joseph Marks
商品描述 Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, And Why:Whyareself-confidentignoramusessooftenbelieved?Whyarethoughtfulexpertssooftengiventhecoldshoulder?Andwhydoa


內容簡介 為什麼有自信的笨蛋往往很容易就被信任?為什麼思考周全的專家卻常被拒之門外? 在評估某個人是否值得相信時,一般認定以目標對象的思想、話語為評量標準,因此大多數人潛意識中都認為,自己都已好好聆聽、分析對方所說的話、提出的意見,並且給出判斷,但事實上,影響我們決定的關鍵都是一些無關緊要的小細節,例如目標對象的身家背景、當天穿的衣服等等。 兩位作者分析了知名、魅力十足的演說家,說明為什麼在某人根本沒有足夠的能力可以獲得信任,所說的每一句話卻會被當作聖旨看待,再小的訊息,例如外表、財富能力等,都能影響最重要的決定。 在假新聞、惡意中傷成為常態的混亂社會中,你需要一本指南,這本書就是你跨越表徵,看穿真相的最佳夥伴。Why are self-confident ignoramuses so often believed? Why are thoughtful experts so often given the cold shoulder? And why do apparently irrelevant details such as a person's height, their relative wealth, or their Facebook photo influence whether or not we trust what they are saying? These are just some of the questions that behavioural experts Steve Martin and Joseph Marks tackle in their ground-breaking new book Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don’t, and Why. Drawing extensively on the very latest research, they identify the powerful forces that result in some becoming society's prevailing Messengers, and others ending up woefully ineffectual or under-represented. They examine the worlds of punditry, business and politics to show why being right carries less weight than looking right. And in the process they demonstrate why in a world of ambiguity, uncertainty and fake news it is now increasingly the Messenger who is the message.


作者介紹 Stephen Martin Steve Martin is the CEO of INFLUENCE AT WORK (UK). Together with Dr Noah Goldstein and Dr Robert Cialdini he is co-author of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Business Week International bestseller Yes! 50 Secrets from the Science of Persuasion, which to date has sold a million copies and has been translated into 26 languages. Yes! was long-listed for the Royal Society's annual prize for science writing and featured in Harvard Business Review's prestigious ‘Breakthrough Ideas for Business’ list.Steve's work has featured in broadcast and print media across the world, including BBC TV and Radio, MSNBC, The Times, Sunday Telegraph, Guardian, New York Times and Wired. Over 2 million people read his regular business columns, including his ‘Persuasion’ page in the British Airways inflight magazine and his features for the Harvard Business Review. He is a guest lecturer on executive education programmes at the London School of Economics, the Judge Business School, Cambridge, and Harvard Business School.Joseph Marks Joseph Marks is a doctoral researcher at University College London. His research focuses on people's perceptions of themselves and how their environment and others influence their cognition and decisions. He holds a Master's degree in Social Cognition from University College London and an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Birmingham. His research with INFLUENCE AT WORK has been applied across a variety of business and public policy settings, including financial regulation, healthcare and public transport.


書名 / Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, And Why
作者 / Stephen Martin Joseph Marks
簡介 / Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, And Why:Whyareself-confidentignoramusessooftenbelieved?Whyarethoughtfulexpertssooftengiventhecoldshoulder?Andwhydoa
ISBN13 / 9781847942364
ISBN10 / 1847942369
EAN / 9781847942364
誠品26碼 / 2681797385006
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X13X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
