Our Kind of Cruelty | 誠品線上

Our Kind of Cruelty

作者 Araminta Hall
商品描述 Our Kind of Cruelty:在真假、虛實的字裡行間充斥著慾望,迷戀引發了殺機。兇手是個瘋子?抑或是個被愛人擺佈的棋子?獲《文學樞紐》網(LitHub)評為2018年最受期待的驚悚


內容簡介 在真假、虛實的字裡行間充斥著慾望,迷戀引發了殺機。兇手是個瘋子?抑或是個被愛人擺佈的棋子? 獲《文學樞紐》網(LitHub)評為2018年最受期待的驚悚小說之一!《紐約時報》書評盛讚,《屬於我們的殘酷》(Our Kind of Cruelty)有可能是今年最好的驚悚小說,因為不到最後,讀者不知懸念背後的真相。我的名字叫Mike Hayes,自幼過著貧困的生活,還好有養父母,他們讓我理解到我有多聰明,並且給我上大學的機會。在大學裡,美麗的Verity終結了我的孤寂,我們時常玩著「渴求」的遊戲。當Verity說:「讓我們”渴求”吧!」,我們便會到酒吧,V坐在那裡等著男人上前搭訕,我則隱身一角,當V舉起手摸著她的項鍊時,我知道那是遊戲開始的信號。我長得人高馬大,以恐嚇的語言威脅那些男人,將V從他們的手中拯救出來,他們驚恐的模樣常常引來V的歡笑,那些男人們被我嚇跑之後,我和V便會到暗巷或廁所來一場雲雨,我們深陷「渴求」遊戲所帶來的瘋狂慾望中。多年後,成為金融界明日之星的我,從紐約出差回到倫敦,收到V寄來的一張卡片,竟是她與倫敦黃金單身漢Angus Metcalf婚禮的邀請函。這張邀請函一定是進化版「渴求」遊戲的信號,V要我將她從Angus Metcalf手中救出來。這次,不再只是恫嚇的語言,因為,我要趁他們度蜜月時,把Angus給殺了…。Passion. Obsession. Murder. `Simply one of the most disturbing thrillers I've read in years. In short I loved it, right down to the utterly chilling final line' - Gillian Flynn, author of GONE GIRL Mike and Verity have a special game. The Crave. They play it to prove what they already know: that Verity loves Mike. That she needs Mike. Even though she's marrying another man. Now Mike knows that the stakes of their private game are rising. This time, someone has to die... 'A propulsive and addictive study of the darkness of obsessive love. I was completely gripped from the first word to the last.' LISA JEWELL 'As merciless a thriller as I've ever read. Astonishingly dark and sensationally accomplished.' AJ FINN, author of The Woman in the Window `A tense intelligent thriller that kept me gripped and guessing until the last page - and thinking long after that.' ERIN KELLY `A taut, fascinating psychological thriller. Original and powerful. Be prepared for questions to linger in your head for a long time afterward.' JULIA HEABERLIN `Toxic love, obsession, and the unflinching unravelling of a mind. Scarily plausible, a great read.' ALI LAND 'Chilling. Disturbing. Addictive. I couldn't put this down.' EMMA FLINT 'Like watching a slow motion car-crash through splayed fingers' TAMMY COHEN `An addictive dive into dangerous, extreme obsession. A must-read' JULIA CROUCH


書名 / Our Kind of Cruelty
作者 / Araminta Hall
簡介 / Our Kind of Cruelty:在真假、虛實的字裡行間充斥著慾望,迷戀引發了殺機。兇手是個瘋子?抑或是個被愛人擺佈的棋子?獲《文學樞紐》網(LitHub)評為2018年最受期待的驚悚
ISBN13 / 9781780898254
ISBN10 / 1780898258
EAN / 9781780898254
誠品26碼 / 2681581249002
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X2.6CM
級別 / N:無