內容簡介 並不是愈辛苦就愈有生產力, 也不是愈努力工作,就會完成更多的事。 ◎ 《紐約時報》暢銷書《為什麼我們這樣生活,那樣工作?》作者最新力作 ◎ 個人、上班族、主管、團隊提升生活品質與工作效率必看的一本書! ◎ 改變你的思考方式,比改變你的思考內容,更能影響你的事業與人生! 所謂的有生產力,就是善用體力、腦力與時間,用最少的付出,得到最有意義的報酬,讓自己不用很痛苦、很掙扎、壓力很大,就能做完事情,而且不必犧牲自己所愛的人事物。 .一個年輕女生不念博士班了,開始玩撲克,接著又靠想像各種情境預測對手的失誤,成為全球最厲害的高手。 .一群Google數據專家展開四年調查,挖掘最佳團隊的祕密,最後發現三個臭皮匠能勝過諸葛亮的原因,恰巧與長壽綜藝節目《週六夜現場》(Saturday Night Live)歷久不衰的原因不謀而合。 .海軍陸戰隊將軍看到每年進來的新兵大多是渾渾噩噩的年輕人,便設法重新打造訓練營,強迫他們練習幫自己做決定,讓人生原本沒有方向的新兵懂得掌握自己的人生。 .迪士尼《冰雪奇緣》(Frozen)原本要開天窗了,直到團隊用對方法讓大家動起來,最後帶來票房破影史紀錄的創意發想。 以上這些人有什麼共同點? 這些人都深知生產力來自明智的抉擇——不管是做日常決定、設定目標、領導人培養創新文化、人與數據互動的方式……一切的一切,讓有些人是生產力大師,有些人則只是瞎忙。 本書介紹動機、團隊、專注、目標、管理他人、決策、創新、吸收資訊等八個關鍵概念,解釋為什麼有些人、有的公司生產力驚人,彷佛擁有三頭六臂。書中有腦神經科學、心理學、行為經濟學的最新發現,也有企業執行長、教育改革者、四星上將、FBI探員、機師、百老匯作曲家的親身經驗。生產力最強大的個人、公司與組織跟別人不一樣,一天可以抵一百天的人,他們看世界的方式、他們的選擇,都跟一般人很不同。 普立茲得獎記者查爾斯.杜希格在《紐約時報》排行榜暢銷書《為什麼我們這樣生活,那樣工作?》中,解釋人們為什麼平日有種種習慣。在這本新書,他同樣懷抱著無窮無盡的好奇心,走訪各行各業,深入探討生產力的科學,用精彩的故事解釋我們如何能用更好的方法做事。想要成功,其實不必那麼累,壓力不用那麼大,不必犧牲親愛的家人與朋友。不管做什麼事,其實都有更聰明、更快、更好的方法。 From the bestselling author of The Power of Habit comes a fascinating new book exploring the science of productivity, and why, in today's world, managing how you think--rather than what you think about--can transform your life.Productivity, recent studies suggest, isn't always about driving ourselves harder, working faster and pushing ourselves toward greater "efficiency." Rather, real productivity relies on managing how we think, identify goals, construct teams and make decisions. The most productive people, companies and organizations don't merely act differently--they envision the world and their choices in profoundly different ways.This book explores eight concepts that are critical to increasing productivity. It takes you into the cockpit of two passenger jets (one crashes) to understand the importance of constructing mental models--telling yourself stories about yourself in order to subconsciously focus on what really matters. It introduces us to basic training in the U.S. Marine Corps, where the internal locus of control is exploited to increase self-motivation. It chronicles the outbreak of Israel's Yom Kippur War to examine cognitive closure--a dangerous trap that stems from our natural desire to feel productive and check every last thing off our to-do lists, causing us to miss obvious risks and bigger opportunities. It uses a high-achieving public school in Cincinnati to illuminate the concept of disfluency, which holds that we learn faster and more deeply when we make the data harder to absorb. It shows how the principles of lean manufacturing--in which decision-making power is pushed to the lowest levels of the hierarchy--allowed the FBI to produce a software system that had eluded them for years. It explores how Disney made Frozen into a record success by encouraging tension among animation teams--a version of what biologists refer to as the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, which posits that nature is most creative when crises occur. With the combination of relentless curiosity, deep reporting and rich storytelling that defined The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg takes readers from neurology laboratories to Google's brainstorming sessions and illustrates how we can all increase productivity in our lives.