The Garden of Evening Mists (Film Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 陳團英
商品描述 The Garden of Evening Mists (Film Tie-in Ed.):TeohYunLingwasseventeenyearsoldwhenshefirstheardaboutAritomoandthegarden.ButawarwouldcometoMalaya,andadecadepassb


內容簡介 這輩子我一直試圖遺忘,但如今卻渴望回憶…… 受困於馬來亞日軍拘留營中,姊妹兩人仰賴想像力渡過每一個痛苦的日與夜。貌美的雲紅被關在小屋中充作日軍洩慾的慰安婦。在礦坑裡做苦工的雲林,想盡辦法溜到姊姊被監禁的窗前。能夠聽見彼此的聲音,甚至一起想像建造夢想中的美麗花園,成了支撐她們活下去的力量。 在戰爭結束的那天,卻只有雲林一個人逃了出來。 獨自存活,雖不是她的本意,但雲林仍為拋下姊姊而感到自責。 數年後,未能忘懷姊姊的雲林,決心將兩人想像的花園付諸實現。她找到一位優秀的園林師中村教導她造園技巧。可是中村的日本人身份卻帶給雲林莫大的痛苦,即便是簡單的日式鞠躬行禮,都讓她有再次陷入拘留營的錯覺。 為了學習造園技巧,雲林搬到夕霧花園和中村一起居住。夕霧原是日本古典小說《源氏物語》中的人物,這座與自然融為一體的日式花園,正如同它的名字那般優雅美麗。 隨時間過去,雲林和中村日趨親近,與中村一起重建花園、學習弓道,使雲林躁動不安的心終於得到平靜。不過某日中村卻在馬來西亞的山林失去蹤影,只留下這座夕霧花園、一批浮世繪作品與再次遭遇離別痛苦的雲林…… 多年後,雲林再次回到夕霧花園。她曾因害怕痛苦的過去選擇遺忘,但因病失憶的陰影卻使她渴望回憶。面對當年中村神秘的背景與失蹤的真相,再次擁抱回憶的決定,究竟會帶給雲林無法承受的痛苦,或是能賜予她解脫的希望? 2012年曼布克獎決選入圍前六強 2013年亞洲首位榮獲蘇格蘭華特‧史考特歷史小說獎 2012年擊敗土耳其諾貝爾文學獎得主帕慕克,首位榮獲英仕曼亞洲文學獎的馬來西亞作家 2014年入圍IMPAC都柏林文學獎 亞馬遜300位讀者五顆星超好評 本書介出自貓頭鷹出版《夕霧花園》 "


作者介紹 Tan Twan Eng was born in Penang, Malaysia. He lives in Kuala Lumpur.The Gift of Rain, his first novel, was Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize. It has been translated into Italian, Spanish, Greek, Hungarian, Russian, Romanian, Czech and Serbian.His second and latest novel, The Garden of Evening Mists, was published in September 2012. It has been Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2012. Boyd Tonkin in The Independent called it:'an elegant and haunting novel of art and war and memory...Tan writes with breath-catching poise and grace, linguistic refinement and searching intelligence...His fictional garden cultivates formal harmony -but also undermines it. It unmasks sophisticated artistry as a partner of pain and lies. This duality invests the novel with a climate of doubt; a mood - as with Aritomo's creation - of ""tension and possibility"". Its beauty never comes to rest.'It has been translated will be translated into German, French, Italian, Serbian, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Macedonian, Taiwanese Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Russian, and Norwegian.The Garden of Evening Mists won the Man Asian Literary Prize in March 2013.In June it won the Walter Scott Prize 2013, from a shortlist of authors which included Hilary Mantel, Rose Tremain, Thomas Keneally, Pat Barker and Anthony Quinn.The Garden of Evening Mists was shortlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2014.


書名 / The Garden of Evening Mists (Film Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / 陳團英
簡介 / The Garden of Evening Mists (Film Tie-in Ed.):TeohYunLingwasseventeenyearsoldwhenshefirstheardaboutAritomoandthegarden.ButawarwouldcometoMalaya,andadecadepassb
ISBN13 / 9781838850685
ISBN10 / 1838850686
EAN / 9781838850685
誠品26碼 / 2681805394006
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2CM
級別 / N:無
