內容簡介 周日泰晤士報暢榜傳記 作者麥特‧海格在二十四歲那年遭受嚴重的憂鬱、焦慮、恐慌折磨,嚴重到以為自己都要撐不下去了,好在慢慢地努力將自己從困境中拯救出來,之後出版了數本暢銷書,也包括把自己和憂鬱對抗的過程寫下的回憶錄《活著的理由》。繼上本書告訴讀者自己的經歷後,在這本書中,海格寫下在焦慮的過程中所產生對這個世界的疑問:在這個讓我們抓狂的世界要如何保持理性?在科技世界要如何保持人性?在周遭環境都促使我們焦慮的情況下,要如何變得快樂?周遭的一切不停地在擾亂我們的大腦,所有事物發生、進行的速度不斷加快,催促著我們趕緊跟上腳步,科技看似將每個人的距離拉近了,實際上人與人之間的關係卻愈加淡漠……若是你的生活中也有同樣的感受,海格的新作將帶你重整人生秩序,找到平衡點。The world is messing with our minds. Rates of stress and anxiety are rising. A fast, nervous planet is creating fast and nervous lives. We are more connected, yet feel more alone. And we are encouraged to worry about everything from world politics to our body mass index. - How can we stay sane on a planet that makes us mad? - How do we stay human in a technological world? - How do we feel happy when we are encouraged to be anxious? After experiencing years of anxiety and panic attacks, these questions became urgent matters of life and death for Matt Haig. And he began to look for the link between what he felt and the world around him. Notes on a Nervous Planet is a personal and vital look at how to feel happy, human and whole in the twenty-first century.
作者介紹 Matt Haig Matt Haig is the number one bestselling author of Reasons to Stay Alive and six highly acclaimed novels for adults, including How to Stop Time, The Humans and The Radleys. As a writer for children and young adults he has won the Blue Peter Book Award, the Smarties Book Prize and been shortlisted three times for the Carnegie Medal. His work has been published in over forty languages. @matthaig1 | matthaig.com