內容簡介 暖心推薦!看小鵲鳥「企鵝布魯」如何融化布魯一家你以為你拯救了一個小生命,但真正拯救一家人的是「牠」一場致命的意外,讓布魯一家的媽媽Sam下半身癱瘓,即使是摯愛的丈夫Cameron和三個可愛的小兒子,都無法走進Sam破碎的心。儘管鼓起勇氣面對漫漫的復健之路,挫敗和焦慮都逐漸讓Sam和家人意志消沉和陷入無奈。直到有個不期而遇的新成員降臨布魯一家:一隻遭到家人拋棄而掉出鳥巢的小鵲鳥,因為小巧的身軀和搖頭晃腦的可愛模樣,布魯一家決定叫牠「企鵝布魯」。企鵝可愛的身影及堅強的求生意志,深深地感動布魯一家,也逐漸軟化Sam受挫的心。充滿生命力及療癒力,透過一張一張充滿張力、歡笑與淚水的影像紀錄,發現即使人生面對受傷與挫敗,擁有愛的付出與關懷,終將淬鍊為更強壯的自我。 They saved a little bird . . . And in return she saved them tooAfter a near-fatal fall left Sam Bloom paralysed, no one - not her husband Cameron, nor their three boys - could reach her in the darkest days of her struggle. But everything changed when a new member of the family unexpectedly landed in their lives: an injured magpie chick abandoned after she fell from her nest, whom they named Penguin Bloom. Powerful and tender, Penguin Bloom is a beautifully written account of how compassion, friendship and family can come from unexpected places.