內容簡介 透視人體圖鑑,一本全方位的科普人體學百科循序漸進,認知自然造物者的驚人設計巧思 一同走入一場絕對令你驚呼連連的人體探索之旅吧!從頭到腳發現人體的奧妙,以精湛仿真的3D圖像,探索人體中最基本的身體單位到循環系統。發現神經系統到底如何運作,理解骨骼和肌肉之間錯綜複雜的分工合作,還有當人體受到威脅時,又是如何啟動保護機制,就讓自己彷彿置身在顯微鏡下,觀察身體從神經脈衝到血液流動通過動脈的過程。搭配精美插圖,搭配解說器官的位置、構造、功能,探索各種疾病所產生的病狀為人體帶來什麼樣的影響及變化。無論是初次涉獵解剖學、醫療臨床人員,還是單純的科普愛好者,都能夠過這本書,認知身體風險,徹底做好健康管理。Take a jaw-dropping interactive top-to-toe tour of your body with this compact guide Take a head-to-toe tour of the human body, amazing 3D images reveal all your major systems in molecular detail. Discover how the nervous system works, the intricate construction of skeleton and muscles, and how your body protects itself when you are under threat. Put yourself under the microscope to see the bodies processes in action from a nerve impulse to blood surging through an artery. Journey inside and examine what can go wrong with the human machine: explore the causes and symptoms for diseases and ailments. An unmissable in-your-body adventure, perfect for students, families and health professionals.