The Brain Book: An Illustrated Guide to its Structure, Functions, and Disorders | 誠品線上

The Brain Book: An Illustrated Guide to its Structure, Functions, and Disorders

作者 Rita Carter
商品描述 The Brain Book: An Illustrated Guide to its Structure, Functions, and Disorders:Thisaward-winningsciencebookusesthelatestfindingsfromneuroscienceresearchandbra


內容簡介 大腦的科學,就由獲獎肯定的全彩科學實用書,用最新的腦神經科學和腦成像科學帶你入門! 電腦成像和核磁共振成像兩個技術為大腦構造的研究、剖析帶來了前所未見的進展,將複雜的大腦行為,例如:神經傳達訊息、記憶儲存和喚起、分辨記住各種情緒等行為,本書用分解步驟圖來簡化說明過程,並且回答了關於大腦最基本也最關鍵的問題,例如:意識怎麼解釋?我們睡著後大腦在做什麼?男人和女人的大腦構造是否不同?說明超過50種跟大腦相關的疾病,例如中風、腦瘤、精神分裂症等。 感謝有科技研究的持續更新,讓我們對人體中魅力十足的器官──大腦有了更多的了解,而這本精彩的大腦之書已經更新到第三版,以最新的資訊來介紹大腦,不管是入門者還是專業學者都值得參考的一本書。 This award-winning science book uses the latest findings from neuroscience research and brain-imaging technology to take you on a journey into the human brain.CGI artworks and brain MRI scans reveal the brain's anatomy in unprecedented detail. Step-by-step sequences unravel and simplify the complex processes of brain function, such as how nerves transmit signals, how memories are laid down and recalled, and how we register emotions. The book answers fundamental and compelling questions about the brain: what does it means to be conscious, what happens when we're asleep,and are the brains of men and women different?Written by award-winning author Rita Carter, this is an accessible and authoritative reference book to a fascinating part of the human body. Thanks to improvements in scanning technology, our understanding of the brain is changing fast. Now in its third edition, the Brain Book provides an up-to-date guide to one of science's most exciting frontiers. With its coverage of over 50 brain-related diseases and disorders - from strokes to brain tumours and schizophrenia - it is also an essential manual for students and healthcare professionals.


作者介紹 Rita CarterA science and medical writer, Rita Carter has twice been awarded the Medical Journalists' Association prize for outstanding contribution to medical journalism. She has written several books and been shortlisted for the Royal Society Prize for Science Books. Rita also talks about the brain, consciousness, and behaviour to a wide range of groups at seminars, conferences, and workshops.


書名 / The Brain Book: An Illustrated Guide to its Structure, Functions, and Disorders
作者 / Rita Carter
簡介 / The Brain Book: An Illustrated Guide to its Structure, Functions, and Disorders:Thisaward-winningsciencebookusesthelatestfindingsfromneuroscienceresearchandbra
ISBN13 / 9780241302255
ISBN10 / 0241302250
EAN / 9780241302255
誠品26碼 / 2681725069008
頁數 / 264
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.5X21.3X0CM
級別 / N:無