Art | 誠品線上


作者 Andrew Graham Dixon
商品描述 Art:隨著最受歡迎的藝術歷史學家AndrewGraham-Dixon踏上絢爛瑰寶的藝術旅途欣賞各種名家雕塑、畫作及宮殿藝術,發現藝術創作過程的驚人面貌探索從古希臘藝術到義大利文藝


內容簡介 隨著最受歡迎的藝術歷史學家Andrew Graham-Dixon踏上絢爛瑰寶的藝術旅途欣賞各種名家雕塑、畫作及宮殿藝術,發現藝術創作過程的驚人面貌探索從古希臘藝術到義大利文藝復興時期的藝術運動歷史,深入理解拉斐爾派和印象派大師作品,就從這本全新再版的暢銷經典藝術解析指南開始。完整呈現藝術的各種面貌,收錄超過700位藝術大師的精湛作品,包括達文西、畢卡索和梵谷等,這絕對是熱愛藝術作品及創作讀者的必須典藏之作。跟著書中詳細又明瞭的時間軸設計,不論是巴洛克時期的畫作、非洲藝術到當代藝術史,發現最傑出的藝術運動,從其起源到影響,是如何透過藝術本身和建築中的人們及文化產生各種變化。從各個藝術家的作品主題和過程細節重獲靈感,跨越時間、文化和國家,完成一趟終極藝術之旅。由最受歡迎的藝評人Andrew Graham-Dixon和布里奇曼藝術圖書館合作,打造這本堪稱世上最大的紙上藝術圖書館,一同激發讀者的想像力,重回藝術現場,感受綿延不絕的美麗蹤跡。Experience the power of art and take a unique guided tour around 2500 of the world's most influential paintings and sculptures.From cave paintings to modern masterpieces, this absorbing and beautiful art book gives you unparalleled insight into the world's most iconic artworks.Beautifully presented as a chronological catalogue, this guide helps you discover the most remarkable moments in the history of art. From the Italian Renaissance to the masters of Impressionism. This is an invaluable reference book for any art lover!Get to know over 7000 famous artists through close-up analyses of their masterpieces, from Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso, to Van Gogh and Monet. This reference book will help you understand the artist's origin, influences, and techniques.Before diving into the history of art movements, you'll be welcomed by an introductory chapter called "Looking at Art ". This chapter takes you through art vocabulary, art and understanding the artist's vision.The Ultimate Artistic Journey Across TimeTruly comprehensive in scope, this book presents the major art movements throughout history, from classical Greek art and the Italian Renaissance, to the Pre-Raphaelites and the masters of Impressionism. Art: The Definitive Visual Guide is a must-have for your bookshelf.Journey through the most prominent artistic movements:- Prehistory to 1400CE- 15th and 16th centuries- 17th and 18th centuries- 19th century- Early 20th century- 1945 onwardsCreated in collaboration with Bridgeman, the biggest art library in the world, the book has been edited by British art history expert and broadcaster Andrew Graham-Dixon."


書名 / Art
作者 / Andrew Graham Dixon
簡介 / Art:隨著最受歡迎的藝術歷史學家AndrewGraham-Dixon踏上絢爛瑰寶的藝術旅途欣賞各種名家雕塑、畫作及宮殿藝術,發現藝術創作過程的驚人面貌探索從古希臘藝術到義大利文藝
ISBN13 / 9780241257104
ISBN10 / 0241257107
EAN / 9780241257104
誠品26碼 / 2681552005002
頁數 / 612
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.1X25.2CM
級別 / N:無
