Visual Thinking: Empowering People & Organisations Through Visual Collaboration | 誠品線上

Visual Thinking: Empowering People & Organisations Through Visual Collaboration

作者 Willemien Brand
商品描述 Visual Thinking: Empowering People & Organisations Through Visual Collaboration:視覺式思考與畫圖在當今的商業場合變得越來越重要,因為一幅圖勝過千言萬語。對那些


內容簡介 視覺式思考與畫圖在當今的商業場合變得越來越重要,因為一幅圖勝過千言萬語。對那些追求強化公司靈活度、排除部門間障礙、並增加員工與客戶向心力的企業來說,視覺化是非常重要的一環。視覺化思考的過程可以幫助掃除複雜的問題,強化工作團隊與員工們來構築彼此的想法,培養協作,迅速地合作發想,並激化創新。視覺化思考,也可以幫助你刷去可能妨礙你在職場運用各種技術的錯誤觀念。你不需要有梵谷的藝術天分,也不需有愛因斯坦的聰慧,只需要透過本書循序漸進的建議,你就能駕馭視覺化思考的力量,並且使你的職場生涯更成功。只要用正確的心態和本書提供給你的簡單技巧,你就能夠發展出你自己的風格,將整合式的視覺溝通融入你的工作環境,然後開始產生改變!Visual Thinking is perfect for companies that want to develop or improve their corporate communication. The book focusses on the visual aspect of communication. It's a helpful guide for companies to improve their overall workflow. The book also provides an informative, easy to follow and fun introduction into the basics of visual thinking and drawing. It is unique because in the book Brand applies these visual thinking techniques and drawing techniques to everyday business settings. By visualizing thought processes within business environments you allow yourself to connect on a deepeer lever, enable teams to build on each other's ideas, foster collaboration and co-creation and accelerate problem solving. Various books have been written on the topic of visual thinking, drawing and sketching. But this book will take away every possible hurdle to start using these techniques at work.


作者介紹 Willemien Brand has turned her passion for drawing and design into her life's work. She graduated with distinction from the prestigious Design Academy Eindhoven and enjoyed an awardwinning career as an industrial designer with ATAG Keukentechniek before setting up the successful design studios Buro BRAND and BRAND Business. To be able to help other people unleash their creativity and use it to achieve better results in their work gives her joy and renews her passion for drawing. Now she shares this passion with companies throughout the world as one of the leading ?gures in the visual communication revolution.


書名 / Visual Thinking: Empowering People & Organisations Through Visual Collaboration
作者 / Willemien Brand
簡介 / Visual Thinking: Empowering People & Organisations Through Visual Collaboration:視覺式思考與畫圖在當今的商業場合變得越來越重要,因為一幅圖勝過千言萬語。對那些
ISBN13 / 9789063694531
ISBN10 / 9063694539
EAN / 9789063694531
誠品26碼 / 2681428431003
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25X21CM
級別 / N:無
