China's Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans and the End of the Chinese Miracle | 誠品線上

China's Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans and the End of the Chinese Miracle

作者 Dinny McMahon
商品描述 China's Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans and the End of the Chinese Miracle:狄尼.麥克馬宏(DinnyMcMahon)曾擔任華爾街日報(WallSt


內容簡介 狄尼.麥克馬宏(Dinny McMahon)曾擔任華爾街日報(Wall Street Journal)駐北京特派記者,也曾是道瓊通訊社駐上海記者。本書提供最令人不安的內部觀察:全世界都將中國視為正蓬勃發展的經濟勢力,然而中國在外界眼中的經濟成長不過是虛假的神話,隱藏在背後的是堆積如山的債務,一旦這個債務泡沫崩盤,全世界都將陷入災難。A stunning inside look at how and why the Chinese economy is barreling towards disaster and the impact its collapse would have on the rest of the world.The world has long considered China a juggernaut of economic strength, but since the global financial crisis, the country's economy has ballooned in size, complexity, and risk. Once dominated by four state-owned banks, the nation's financial system is a tangle of shadow banking entities, informal financial institutions, and complex corporate funding arrangements that threaten growth, stability, and reform efforts. The country has accumulated so much debt so quickly that economists increasingly predict a financial crisis that could make 'Brexit' or Greece's economic ruin seem minor, and could undermine China's ascent as a superpower. Earlier this year, President Xi Jinping issued an urgent call for reform that gives the country until 2020 to transform its economy - a vaguely-defined objective that most economists agree is unrealistic. Whether or not China will be responsible for the next global recession, as some experts forecast, the fate of its economy will have far-reaching consequences for the rest of the world. Yet the inner workings of China's financial system are still very much a mystery to most outsiders. Now more than ever, as the country's slowing economy is being felt around the globe, it is essential to understand how China allowed its economy to become so mired in debt.China's Great Wall of Debt is a penetrating examination of the country's opaque financial system and the complex factors - demographic shifts; urbanization; industrialization; a pervasive over-reliance on debt-fueled investments - that have brought the country to the brink of crisis. Anchored by stories of China's cities and its people; from factory workers and displaced farmers to government officials and entrepreneurs, the narrative will take readers inside the country's ghost cities, zombie companies, start-ups, and regulatory institutions as McMahon explains how things got so bad, why fixing the problems is so hard, and what the economic outlook means for China and for the rest of us.Biographical NotesDinny McMahon spent six years in Beijing as a financial reporter with The Wall Street Journal, where he focused on rising Chinese debt levels, urbanization, and the role of the country's state sector in its economy. Prior to that he was Shanghai-based reporter with Dow Jones Newswires, where he wrote about China's foreign exchange markets. In 2015, McMahon left China and The Wall Street Journal to take up a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, a think tank in Washington DC. He was awarded the fellowship to write this book.


作者介紹 Dinny McMahon


書名 / China's Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans and the End of the Chinese Miracle
作者 / Dinny McMahon
簡介 / China's Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans and the End of the Chinese Miracle:狄尼.麥克馬宏(DinnyMcMahon)曾擔任華爾街日報(WallSt
ISBN13 / 9781408710357
ISBN10 / 1408710358
EAN / 9781408710357
誠品26碼 / 2681544925004
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無