內容簡介 BBC報導:美國記者出新書 曝光特朗普轟動內幕近日引起大量關注,揭露白宮秘辛的新書《烈焰與怒火:川普白宮內幕》(Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House),不僅引起川普怒嗆巴農「瘋了」,還揚言提告。資深媒體人沃爾夫新書《烈火與怒火:川普白宮內幕》爆料美國總統川普入主白宮第一年的眾多內幕後,不畏停止出版的要求,以「空前的市場需求」為由,將出版日期提前至5日,早於原訂的9日。「麥可‧吳爾芙寫出一本即將大力晃動美國根基的書」─英國衛報「自哈利波特之後,沒有一本書可以如此火熱,這本書無疑是一個相當重要的成就,確實值得它已經接受到的注意」─經濟人雜誌各大媒體、雜誌、讀者回響熱烈,好評不斷!作者麥可‧吳爾芙是知名作家、記者、專欄作家,作品獲得許多獎項,包括具有指標性的National Magazine Award,川普在美國總統大選前、獲選後、實際執政間,在國際間引起許多爭議,吳爾芙在這本書中靠著他接觸美國白宮的管道,寫下在川普執政的前九個月中,白宮中的真實情況。在本書中你會看到:總統川普的員工對他的真正想法是什麼因素讓總統川普相信自己被前總統歐巴馬監聽?前FBI局長詹姆士‧科米被開除的真正原因?和總統川普溝通有沒有什麼淺規則?總統川普執政和電影《王牌製作人》有什麼共同之處?社會大眾對於總統川普的好奇可以在本書中得到一些慰藉,出版以來即獲得國際間的熱烈迴響,除了各大媒體報章雜誌爭相報導、評論之外,讀者評論熱烈,美國亞馬遜上已有將近四千則評論,平均四點四顆星。The first nine months of Donald Trump's term were stormy, outrageous - and absolutely mesmerising. Now, thanks to his deep access to the West Wing, bestselling author Michael Wolff tells the riveting story of how Trump launched a tenure as volatile and fiery as the man himself.In this explosive book, Wolff provides a wealth of new details about the chaos in the Oval Office. Among the revelations:- What President Trump's staff really thinks of him- What inspired Trump to claim he was wire-tapped by President Obama - Why FBI director James Comey was really fired- Why chief strategist Steve Bannon and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner couldn't be in the same room - Who is really directing the Trump administration's strategy in the wake of Bannon's firing- What the secret to communicating with Trump is- What the Trump administration has in common with the movie The ProducersNever before has a presidency so divided the American people. Brilliantly reported and astoundingly fresh, Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury shows us how and why Donald Trump has become the king of discord and disunion."