Post-Truth: Why We Have Reached Peak Bullshit and What We Can Do About It | 誠品線上

Post-Truth: Why We Have Reached Peak Bullshit and What We Can Do About It

作者 Evan Davis
商品描述 Post-Truth: Why We Have Reached Peak Bullshit and What We Can Do About It:後真相時代來臨!英國經濟學家伊凡‧戴維斯帶領你如何面對及破解無所不在的虛偽與謊言低級


內容簡介 後真相時代來臨!英國經濟學家伊凡‧戴維斯帶領你如何面對及破解無所不在的虛偽與謊言低級的謊言無處不在,而這些每日流傳的謊言以誇張,選擇性的挑選事實編撰而成。從美國總統川普政見及英國歐盟公投的辯論過程,甚至到企業宣導都是謊言不斷。我們該如何避開這些每天都在上演的謊言?本書將帶領讀者一一識破從日常生活、社交媒體、房仲到金融機構都會說的謊言。為什麼公司的年度報告總是廢話連篇?為什麼千萬不要相信房仲?為什麼選舉活動總是言過其實?作者將透過行為科學、經濟學、心理學及媒體力量,探討當後真相時代來臨,人們應該如何對付各種上演的騙局及謊言。 Low-level dishonesty is rife everywhere, in the form of exaggeration, selective use of facts, economy with the truth, careful drafting - from Trump and the Brexit debate to companies that tell us 'your call is important to us'. How did we get to a place where bullshit is not just rife but apparently so effective that it's become the communications strategy of our times? This brilliantly insightful book steps inside the panoply of deception employed in all walks of life and assesses how it has come to this. It sets out the surprising logic which explains why bullshit is both pervasive and persistent. Why are company annual reports often nonsense? Why should you not trust estate agents? And above all, why has political campaigning become the art of stretching the truth? Drawing on behavioural science, economics, psychology and of course his knowledge of the media, Evan ends by providing readers with a tool-kit to handle the kinds of deceptions we encounter every day, and charts a route through the muddy waters of the post-truth age.


作者介紹 Evan Davis


書名 / Post-Truth: Why We Have Reached Peak Bullshit and What We Can Do About It
作者 / Evan Davis
簡介 / Post-Truth: Why We Have Reached Peak Bullshit and What We Can Do About It:後真相時代來臨!英國經濟學家伊凡‧戴維斯帶領你如何面對及破解無所不在的虛偽與謊言低級
ISBN13 / 9781408703335
ISBN10 / 1408703335
EAN / 9781408703335
誠品26碼 / 2681465357007
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.7X2.8CM
級別 / N:無