內容簡介 經典科幻電影《沙丘》(沙丘魔堡)2021最新版電影美術設定集! 2024.04.16 17:00前訂購讀者,預計到貨日:4月中第二批預計到貨日:5月底Immerse yourself in the world of Denis Villeneuve's Dune and discover the incredible creative journey that brought Frank Herbert's iconic novel to the big screen.【走進閱讀世界|迷誠品:專文推薦】標題|為科幻而生!朝聖《沙丘》後,再回頭複習神片,從電影中解人生的難題撰文|迷誠品內容中心科幻史詩鉅作《沙丘》,9 16搶先全美在台上映,這部片究竟有多神?為什麼討論度如此高?媒體試片後觀後感一致好評,在新冠肺炎疫情衝擊的當下,如果只能選「必須進電影院觀看」的一部電影,《沙丘》應該會是首選,它不僅能獲得看電影的娛樂感,也是見證了屬於這個世代的經典神作!☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章"Frank Herbert’s science fiction classic Dune will be seen like never before in the breathtaking film adaptation from acclaimed director Denis Villeneuve. Now fans can be part of the creative journey of bringing Herbert’s seminal work to life with The Art and Making of Dune, the only official companion to the hugely anticipated movie event.