Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films | 誠品線上

Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films

作者 Sharon Gosling/ Lisa Fitzpatrick
商品描述 Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films:MeninBlack:TheOfficialVisualCompaniontotheFilmsistheultimateretrospectivetotheuniversallybelovedfilmfr


內容簡介 經典外星科幻電影《MIB星際戰警》官方視覺指南全書收錄《MIB星際戰警》四部曲全系列電影視覺 《MIB星際戰警》官方視覺指南包含星際戰警四部曲電影劇本開發和製作過程,涵蓋概念美術、素描、分鏡腳本、服裝設計、特殊化妝、武器道具設計等一系列內容,揭露所有電影從未公開的幕後花絮,一次滿足影迷們對MIB星際戰警的好奇心。探討電影中所衍伸出的神秘宇宙議題,發現系列電影如何影響當代科幻電影的發展和對流行文化的深度影響。同時邀請主要演員和幕後工作人員分享獨家評論,以及四部曲的產出過程,帶領讀者一同走入MIB星際戰警浩翰的神秘宇宙世界,展開全新的冒險故事。Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films is the ultimate retrospective to the universally beloved film franchise. Unveiling the secrets behind the suits, this book contains concept art, sketches, storyboards, costume designs, makeup tests and more. With exclusive commentary from key members of the cast and crew, this book tells the whole story for all four films and will take readers on a journey out of this world.A thousand years ago, everybody knew as a fact that the earth was the centre of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know after reading this book.Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films is the ultimate retrospective to the universally beloved film franchise. Unveiling the secrets behind the suits, this book contains concept art, sketches, storyboards, costume designs, makeup tests and more. With exclusive commentary from key members of the cast and crew, this extraordinary collection of art will take readers on a journey out of this world. This book tells the whole story for each film, from sketch to screen, and delves into the design and creation of the aliens, vehicles, weaponry and the agents defending the universe as only the Men in Black can do.This must-have book details the script development and production process of all four films, as well as the impact and influence of those films in popular culture, as well as the makeup, costuming, animatronics, music, and much more. Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films is the only book you'll ever need or want on the subject.


作者介紹 Lisa Fitzpatrick is a non-fiction writer & editor; she has developed a wide variety of quality film, television, art and photography publications including those for branded entertainment properties such as 24, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, Madagascar, Open Season and The X-Files (JJ Abrams). A graduate of the Stanford Publishing Course for Professionals, she also recently produced the 80th Anniversary edition for USC School of Cinematic Arts.A fan of all things fantasy, horror and sci-fi, Sharon Gosling is a UK-based writer of both non-fiction and fiction, as well as working as a pop-culture magazine editor and audio drama producer.


書名 / Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films
作者 / Sharon Gosling Lisa Fitzpatrick
簡介 / Men in Black: The Official Visual Companion to the Films:MeninBlack:TheOfficialVisualCompaniontotheFilmsistheultimateretrospectivetotheuniversallybelovedfilmfr
ISBN13 / 9781789090765
ISBN10 / 1789090768
EAN / 9781789090765
誠品26碼 / 2681723996009
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.5X22.9X0CM
級別 / N:無
