Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China | 誠品線上

Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China

作者 Yongnian Zheng/ Yanjie Huang
商品描述 Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China:Focusingontheevolvingrelationsbetweenthestateandmarketinthepost-Maoreformera,YongnianZhengandYanj


內容簡介 Focusing on the evolving relations between the state and market in the post-Mao reform era, Yongnian Zheng and Yanjie Huang present a theory of Chinese capitalism by identifying and analyzing three layers of the market system in the contemporary Chinese economy. These are, namely, a free market economy at the bottom, state capitalism at the top, and a middle ground in between. By examining Chinese economic practices against the dominant schools of Western political economy and classical Chinese economic thoughts, the authors set out the analytical framework of 'market in state' to conceptualize the market not as an autonomous self-regulating order but part and parcel of a state-centered order. Zheng and Huang show how state (political) principles are dominant over market (economic) principles in China's economy. As the Chinese economy continues to grow and globalize, its internal balance will likely have a large impact upon economies across the world.


作者介紹 Yongnian ZhengYongnian Zheng is Professor and Director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore. He is the author of The Chinese Communist Party as Organizational Emperor (2010), Technological Empowerment (2007), Globalization and State Transformation in China (Cambridge, 2004) and Discovering Chinese Nationalism in China (Cambridge, 1999).Yanjie Huang Yanjie Huang conducts his doctoral research on modern Chinese history at Columbia University, New York. He has published papers and book chapters on China's state sector, food security, and monetary history.


書名 / Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China
作者 / Yongnian Zheng Yanjie Huang
簡介 / Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China:Focusingontheevolvingrelationsbetweenthestateandmarketinthepost-Maoreformera,YongnianZhengandYanj
ISBN13 / 9781108461573
ISBN10 / 1108461573
EAN / 9781108461573
誠品26碼 / 2681827421001
頁數 / 490
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.8X15.1X2.6CM
級別 / N:無