Jack C Richards' 50 Tips for Teacher Development | 誠品線上

Jack C Richards' 50 Tips for Teacher Development

作者 Jack C. Richards
出版社 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 Jack C Richards' 50 Tips for Teacher Development:Thisbookoffers50practicalideasforteacherstouseforprofessionaldevelopment.Thetipscoverawiderangeofactivitiestha


內容簡介 This book offers 50 practical ideas for teachers to use for professional development. The tips cover a wide range of activities that can be carried out individually or in collaboration with others, including self and peer observation, journal writing, on-line forums, classroom research, action research, team teaching, lesson review, materials review, lesson study, mentoring, peer coaching, reading groups, and workshops. Each tip is described in a 2 two-page format that gives the rational for the activity and step-by-step procedures for implementing it. The Tips can be used with both novice and more experienced teachers and are intended to provide a basis for teachers to review the current state of their professional learning and to develop and implement goals for their professional development.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Jack C. Richards


書名 / Jack C Richards' 50 Tips for Teacher Development
作者 / Jack C. Richards
簡介 / Jack C Richards' 50 Tips for Teacher Development:Thisbookoffers50practicalideasforteacherstouseforprofessionaldevelopment.Thetipscoverawiderangeofactivitiestha
出版社 / 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9781108408363
ISBN10 / 1108408362
EAN / 9781108408363
誠品26碼 / 2681580111003
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.3X0.8CM
級別 / N:無