Hawking: The Man, the Genius, and the Theory of Everything | 誠品線上

Hawking: The Man, the Genius, and the Theory of Everything

作者 Joel Levy
商品描述 Hawking: The Man, the Genius, and the Theory of Everything:史蒂芬‧霍金是近代科學史上的傳奇性人物,對科學有許多貢獻,並且出版數本全球暢銷著作,其中在1988年出版


內容簡介 史蒂芬‧霍金是近代科學史上的傳奇性人物,對科學有許多貢獻,並且出版數本全球暢銷著作,其中在1988年出版的《時間簡史》出版後即屢創佳績,成為全球暢銷書,領著宇宙學航向新的限象,開闊了地球的視界。霍金的一生令人驚嘆,不僅是他提出數個創新的理論,也因為罹患俗稱漸凍人症的肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症,雖然他的身體漸漸癱瘓,但他從未放棄和外界溝通的機會,他傳奇的一生在2018年3月結束。本書除了紀錄霍金呈現在公開場合的一生,也記錄了許多不為人知的私下生活,其中收錄了許多文件、照片,甚至有霍金的研究紀錄,完整地將霍金的一生收進書頁中。作者喬爾.利維擁有多領域的背景,除了精通歷史、科學,也有生命科學以及心理學的學經歷,曾出版多本暢銷書。Hawking explores the life and work, explaining the breakthroughs at the cutting edge of cosmology, from the Big Bang to black holes, and the ups and downs of Stephen Hawking's extraordinary and often turbulent life. The death of Stephen Hawking in March 2018 brought to a close one of the most remarkable and inspiring scientific life stories of all time. This in-depth and comprehensive biography covers both the well-known aspects of his celebrated life and work, as well as the personal elements of his life, that make his astounding triumph over disability and his titanic achievements all the more impressive. Full of documents and photographs providing extra details and context to Hawking's discoveries, this is the complete story of how Hawking defied medical science and the frailties of his twisted body to explore vast cosmic realms, tour the world, create a publishing phenomenon, embrace celebrity, experience incredible adventures and enjoy romance and family life.


書名 / Hawking: The Man, the Genius, and the Theory of Everything
作者 / Joel Levy
簡介 / Hawking: The Man, the Genius, and the Theory of Everything:史蒂芬‧霍金是近代科學史上的傳奇性人物,對科學有許多貢獻,並且出版數本全球暢銷著作,其中在1988年出版
ISBN13 / 9780233005706
ISBN10 / 0233005706
EAN / 9780233005706
誠品26碼 / 2681690161004
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.3X19.1X1.9CM
級別 / N:無
