The Happy Brain: The Science of Where Happiness Comes From, and Why | 誠品線上

別讓大腦不開心: 神經科學家告訴你快樂的祕密, 讓我們打造更美滿的生活

作者 迪恩.柏奈特
商品描述 The Happy Brain: The Science of Where Happiness Comes From, and Why:我們用各式各樣的方式討論「如何獲得快樂」,有數不清的書、演講、電影、報導都以探討快樂為主題


內容簡介 我們用各式各樣的方式討論「如何獲得快樂」,有數不清的書、演講、電影、報導都以探討快樂為主題,因為它是讓我們工作、戀愛、看表演、吃飯、有奇怪的執著、回家等等行為的原因,也可說是人生的一大目標。但你可曾想過,快樂從何而來?為什麼我們那麼需要它?永久的快樂是否存在?它應該存在嗎?快樂和大腦的有什麼關聯?本書作者狄恩‧柏納是腦神經科學專家,他用專業知識加上大量的研究報告、理論,訪問了不同領域的專家,有心理學家、喜劇腳本寫手、名人、各式各樣的專家、人生訓練教練們,將所有的資訊集結成冊寫成本書。柏納除了腦神經專業之外,也是個喜劇演員,繼揭開大腦秘密的《Idiot Brain》之後,他用一貫幽默的方式告訴讀者快樂究竟是何物,感到快樂的時候大腦又會發生怎樣的變化。Do you want to be happy?If so – read on. This book has all the answers.*In The Happy Brain, neuroscientist Dean Burnett delves deep into the inner workings of our minds to explore some fundamental questions about happiness. For starters: what does it actually mean to be happy? Where does it come from? And is there a secret to making it last forever?In his research into these questions – and many more besides – Burnett unravels our complex internal lives to reveal the often surprising truth behind what makes us tick. From whether happiness really begins at home (spoiler alert: yes – sort of) to what love, sex, friendship, wealth, laughter and success actually do to our brains, this book offers a uniquely entertaining insight into what it means to be human.* Not really. Sorry. But it does have some very interesting questions, and at least the occasional answer.


書名 / The Happy Brain: The Science of Where Happiness Comes From, and Why
作者 / 迪恩.柏奈特
簡介 / The Happy Brain: The Science of Where Happiness Comes From, and Why:我們用各式各樣的方式討論「如何獲得快樂」,有數不清的書、演講、電影、報導都以探討快樂為主題
ISBN13 / 9781783351305
ISBN10 / 1783351306
EAN / 9781783351305
誠品26碼 / 2681699913000
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
