內容簡介 同名改編影集《Leila》即將於2019年在Netflix播出! 近未來,世界已完全數位化,高聳的牆分隔眾人,分出了一個個的聚落,而在高牆後,許多秘密計畫進行著。在聚落之間有許多被遺忘的區域,這些區域中垃圾堆高,雜亂不堪,還有許多傳染病毒漂盪。 曾經生活富裕,沒有煩惱富家女兒Shalini,不顧反對嫁給了一個穆斯林男人,但男人過世了,她現在變成社會中格格不入的怪人,失去了過去的特權,越來越邊緣化。 但這對Shalini來說並不是最痛苦的,她有個十六年前在夏天因為一場意外悲劇而失蹤的女兒,這些年來她始終惦記著女兒,生活再艱難從沒忘記過要找到女兒的這個使命…… 作者PrayaagAkbar是印度記者、作家,曾入圍文學獎,文章常見於各大媒體,Leila是Akbar的小說出道作,寫出了文學性,2018年Netflix宣布將會改編成電視劇於2019年上映。Every year on Leila's birthday Shalini kneels by the wall with a little yellow spade and scoops dry earth to make a pit for two candles. One each for herself and for Riz, the husband at her side.But as Shalini walks from the patch of grass where she held her vigil the man beside her melts away. It is sixteen years since they took her, her daughter's third birthday party, the last time she saw the three people she loves most dearly: her mother, her husband, her child.There are thirty-two candle stubs buried in that lawn, and Shalini believes her search is finally drawing to a close. When she finds Leila, she will return and dig up each and every one.