Can You Solve My Problems?: A Casebook of Ingenious, Perplexing and Totally Satisfying Puzzles | 誠品線上

Can You Solve My Problems?: A Casebook of Ingenious, Perplexing and Totally Satisfying Puzzles

作者 Alex Bellos
商品描述 Can You Solve My Problems?: A Casebook of Ingenious, Perplexing and Totally Satisfying Puzzles:你比一個十歲的小孩還要聰明嗎?你可以打敗福爾摩斯嗎?如果你的回答


內容簡介 你比一個十歲的小孩還要聰明嗎?你可以打敗福爾摩斯嗎?如果你的回答是肯定的,就來接受貝洛斯的挑戰吧!曾用《數字奇航》、《宇宙的數學圖形》洗淨數學枯燥乏味的汙名,並且說明了數學的歷史,讓讀者認識數學的多彩多姿,2018全新作品則是要挑戰你的邏輯!貝洛斯蒐集了過去兩千年間,125則最知名的謎題,而它們來自世界各地,有來自中國古代的謎題,也有維多莉亞時期的英國流傳下來的謎題,現代日本讓許多人陷入邏輯黑洞的謎題都有。只要懂得邏輯思考,你就有能力識破偽幣、找到河流的交叉口、解開族譜的秘密,再加入一點高中數學,就可能變成偉大的巫師,用繩子繞地球一圈!準備好一支筆,打開這本書,跟著貝洛斯一起在謎題和歷史中探險,保證可以享有一個充滿驚喜和收穫的解謎之旅!The bestselling author of Alex's Adventures in Numberland tells the story of the puzzle through 125 of the world's best brainteasers. Packed with eye-opening anecdotes, brain-stretching ideas and thoroughly addictive puzzles Can You Solve My Problems? will leave you wonderstruckAre you smarter than a Singaporean ten-year-old? Can you beat Sherlock Holmes? If you think the answer is yes - I challenge you to solve my problems.Here is the story of the puzzle, one of mankind's oldest and greatest forms of entertainment and enlightenment, told through 125 of the world's best brainteasers from the last two millennia. It takes us from ancient China to medieval Europe, Victorian England to modern-day Japan, with stories of espionage, mathematical breakthroughs and puzzling rivalries along the way. You'll pit your wits against logic puzzles and kinship riddles, pangrams and river-crossing conundrums. Some solutions rely on a touch of cunning, others call for creativity, others need mercilessly logical thought. Some can only be solved by 2% of the population. All are guaranteed to sharpen your mind. Let's get puzzling...


作者介紹 Alex BellosAlex Bellos is brilliant on all things mathematical. He has a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy from Oxford University. His bestselling books Alex's Adventures in Numberland and Alex Through the Looking-Glass have been translated into more than 20 languages. He is the co-author of a mathematical colouring book, Snowflake, Seashell, Star, and he has launched an elliptical pool table, LOOP. He writes a popular maths blog and a puzzle blog for the Guardian.


書名 / Can You Solve My Problems?: A Casebook of Ingenious, Perplexing and Totally Satisfying Puzzles
作者 / Alex Bellos
簡介 / Can You Solve My Problems?: A Casebook of Ingenious, Perplexing and Totally Satisfying Puzzles:你比一個十歲的小孩還要聰明嗎?你可以打敗福爾摩斯嗎?如果你的回答
ISBN13 / 9781783351152
ISBN10 / 1783351152
EAN / 9781783351152
誠品26碼 / 2681455453009
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.8CM
級別 / N:無