Yayoi Kusama (Revised & Expanded Ed.) | 誠品線上

草間彌生: わたしの芸術

作者 キャサリン.タフト/ ローラ.ホプトマン/ 建畠晢/ ウード.クルターマン
商品描述 Yayoi Kusama (Revised & Expanded Ed.):Anupdatededitionoftheacclaimedmonograph,celebratingoneofthemosticonicandrevolutionaryartistsofourtime."YayoiKusamatransce


內容簡介 1960年代的曼哈頓藝術圈,草間彌生已經是個知名人物,她以觀眾可以參與的裝置藝術和一系列的油畫,創作了結合迷幻與大眾文化的作品。這本修訂且擴充的草間彌生圖錄,一直被視為是研究草間彌生最全面的專書,除了視覺藝術,本書還收錄了草間的新詩創作。「當人們回顧草間數十年來的作品時,他們將看見她的無限創意有一種永恆不滅的特質。」 - 時尚設計師馬克.雅各布斯(Marc Jacobs)「草間作品所產生的既複雜又單純的效應,來自於非常相近且幾乎成平行的兩個平面之間的互動,平面交錯所形成的各種點,既輕盈又強而有力。」 - 美國極簡藝術家唐納.賈德(Donald Judd)「我們這個時代最具象徵性與革命性的藝術家之一,她以無限、自我形象、性別以及強迫式重複等主題的前衛作品而舉世聞名…。這本書探索並記錄草間透過不同媒材傳達藝術幻象的能力。」 - 藝術設計網誌CreativeBoomAn updated edition of the acclaimed monograph, celebrating one of the most iconic and revolutionary artists of our time."Yayoi Kusama transcended the art world to become a fixture of popular culture, in a league with Andy Warhol, David Hockney, and Keith Haring." —The New York TimesKusama is internationally renowned for her groundbreaking work on themes such as infinity, self-image, sexuality, and compulsive repetition. A well-known name in the Manhattan scene of the 1960s, Kusama's subsequent work combined Psychedelia and Pop culture with patterning, often resulting in participatory installations and series of paintings. This revised and expanded edition of the 2000 monograph, which is arguably still one of the most comprehensive studies on her work to date, has been augmented by an essay by Catherine Taft and a collection of new poems by the artist.


作者介紹 Akira Tatehata is a poet and art critic who has been awarded the 2005 Takami Jun Award for Literature.Laura Hoptman is a curator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.Udo Kultermann was a curator and art historian who taught at Washington University in St. Louis.Catherine Taft is deputy director of LAXART in Los Angeles.


書名 / Yayoi Kusama (Revised & Expanded Ed.)
作者 / キャサリン.タフト ローラ.ホプトマン 建畠晢 ウード.クルターマン
簡介 / Yayoi Kusama (Revised & Expanded Ed.):Anupdatededitionoftheacclaimedmonograph,celebratingoneofthemosticonicandrevolutionaryartistsofourtime."YayoiKusamatransce
ISBN13 / 9780714873459
ISBN10 / 0714873454
EAN / 9780714873459
誠品26碼 / 2681511058001
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29X25CM
級別 / N:無
