Freud: The Unconscious and World Affairs | 誠品線上

Freud: The Unconscious and World Affairs

作者 Rene Major/ Chantal Talagrand
商品描述 Freud: The Unconscious and World Affairs:ThisbookshedsanewlightonFreudwho,fromthebeginning,wasawarethattheedificehewasconstructing–psychoanalysis–whichreveal


內容簡介 This book sheds a new light on Freud who, from the beginning, was aware that the edifice he was constructing – psychoanalysis – which revealed in each individual an "ego not master in its own house" –, had clear implications for understanding collective human behaviour. This man was profoundly concerned with matters of peace and war, religion, morality and civilisation.The authors’ political focus is unusual, and their choice of quotes from lesser-known sources holds great interest. Freud’s interlocutors include Oskar Pfisrer, Swiss pastor and lay analyst; Einstein; and the American diplomat William Bullitt, with whom Freud wrote a study of President Wilson, entitled Thomas Widrow Wilson. A Psychological Study. In the Introduction to this book, written in 1930, Freud describes Wilson as a person for whom mere facts held no significance; he esteemed highly nothing but human motives and opinions.


作者介紹 RENÉ MAJORRENÉ MAJOR is a renowned psychoanalyst practising in Paris. He was director of the Institut de psychanalyse de Paris and program director at the Collège international de philosophie. He founded the magazine Confrontation, as well as Contretemps, a publication linking contemporary art to literature, philosophy and psychoanalysis. He is director of the Institut des hautes études en psychanalyse and the author of numerous books.CHANTAL TALAGRANDCHANTAL TALAGRAND is a psychoanalyst practising in Paris. She was editor-in-chief of Confrontation and Contretemps and director of the section on psychoanalysis in the Dictionnaire universel des créatrices. She has published many articles in France and abroad.


書名 / Freud: The Unconscious and World Affairs
作者 / Rene Major Chantal Talagrand
簡介 / Freud: The Unconscious and World Affairs:ThisbookshedsanewlightonFreudwho,fromthebeginning,wasawarethattheedificehewasconstructing–psychoanalysis–whichreveal
ISBN13 / 9781782205340
ISBN10 / 1782205349
EAN / 9781782205340
誠品26碼 / 2681693558009
頁數 / 236
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X14.6X1.3CM
級別 / N:無