J.M.W. Turner Watercolours | 誠品線上

J.M.W. Turner Watercolours

作者 David Blayney Brown
出版社 Tate Publishing
商品描述 J.M.W. Turner Watercolours:Turner'slifetime(1775-1851)wasalsotheclassicageofEnglishwatercolour,andhismasteryandperfectionofthemediumcoincidedwithitsestablishme


內容簡介 Turner's lifetime (1775-1851) was also the classic age of English watercolour, and his mastery and perfection of the medium coincided with its establishment as an independent art form. This volume examines the unique body of watercolours Turner produced. Few can doubt that J.M.W. Turner was the greatest exponent of English watercolour in its golden age. An inveterate traveller in search of the ideal vista, he rarely left home without a rolled up, loosebound sketchbook, pencils and a small travelling case of watercolours in his pocket. He exploited as no one before him the medium's luminosity and transparency, conjuring light effects on English meadows and Venetian lagoons and gauzy mists over mountains and lakes. Extraordinary in his own time, he has continued to thrill his countless admirers since. David Blayney Brown, one of the world's leading experts on Turner, reveals the role watercolours played in Turner's life and work, from those he sent for exhibition to the Royal Academy to the private outpourings in which he compulsively experimented with light and colour, which for a modern audience are among his most radical and accomplished works.


作者介紹 David Blayney BrownDavid Blayney Brown is Senior Curator, British Art 1790-1850 at Tate and is responsible for the Turner Collection. His books include Turner and Byron, Turner in the Alps, The 'Lucerne' Sketchbook, and Romanticism.


書名 / J.M.W. Turner Watercolours
作者 / David Blayney Brown
簡介 / J.M.W. Turner Watercolours:Turner'slifetime(1775-1851)wasalsotheclassicageofEnglishwatercolour,andhismasteryandperfectionofthemediumcoincidedwithitsestablishme
出版社 / Tate Publishing
ISBN13 / 9781849766661
ISBN10 / 1849766665
EAN / 9781849766661
誠品26碼 / 2681801856003
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.4X23X0CM
級別 / N:無
