Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China | 誠品線上

宋氏三姊妹與她們的丈夫: 20世紀三位傳奇女子, 一部動盪百年的中國現代史

作者 張戎
商品描述 Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China:《鴻:三代中國女人的故事》《毛澤東:鮮為人知的故事》作者張戎全新創作


內容簡介 《鴻:三代中國女人的故事》《毛澤東:鮮為人知的故事》作者張戎全新創作 顛覆中國主流歷史,以女性細膩的目光,重新陳述中國宋氏三姊妹的傳奇人生 一個愛錢;一個愛權;一個愛國 大姊宋靄齡,蔣介石的非官方政治顧問,憑藉聰明才智成為中國最富有的女人。 二姊宋慶齡,國父孫文之妻,最後成為毛澤東政府的國家副主席。 小妹宋美齡,蔣介石之妻,中華民國的第一夫人,在政壇中佔有重要地位。 三姊妹享有各式特權與榮耀,但也經常承受危及性命的危險。她們展現十足的勇氣,也經歷無數次的絕望與心碎。儘管三姊妹所擁護的政黨互相對立,宋慶齡甚至誓言擊敗姊妹所擁護的國民黨,但她們在情感上仍非常親密。 這是一本關於愛情、戰爭、鬼氣、勇氣、榮耀和背叛的精彩歷史故事,帶領讀者從廣州、夏威夷再到紐約,從流放者的住所到莫斯科的秘密會談,從北京共產黨的菁英,到最後戰敗成立民主的台灣,一本如史詩般的宋氏三姊妹傳記,由張戎的角度重新詮釋20世紀中國三位最傑出女性的一生。 The best-known modern Chinese fairy tale is the story of three sisters from Shanghai, who for most of the twentieth century were at the centre of power in China. It was sometimes said that 'One loved money, one loved power and one loved her country', but there was far more to the Soong sisters than these caricatures. As China battled through a hundred years of wars, revolutions and seismic transformations, each sister played an important, sometimes critical role, and left an indelible mark on history. Red Sister, Ching-ling, married Sun Yat-sen, founding father of the Chinese republic, and later became Mao's vice-chair. Little Sister, May-ling, was Madame Chiang Kai-shek, first lady of the pre-Communist Nationalist China and a major political figure in her own right. Big Sister, Ei-ling, was Chiang's unofficial main adviser. She made herself one of China's richest women – and her husband Chiang's prime minister. All three sisters enjoyed tremendous privilege and glory, but also endured constant attacks and mortal danger. They showed great courage and experienced passionate love, as well as despair and heartbreak. The relationship between them was highly charged emotionally, especially once they had embraced opposing political camps and Ching-ling dedicated herself to destroying her two sisters'world. Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister is a gripping story of love, war, exile, intrigue, glamour and betrayal, which takes us on a monumental journey, from Canton to Hawaii and New York, from exiles’ quarters in Japan and Berlin to secret meeting rooms in Moscow, and from the compounds of the Communist elite in Beijing to the corridors of power in democratic Taiwan. In a group biography that is by turns intimate and epic, Jung Chang reveals the lives of three extraordinary women who helped shape the history of twentieth-century China.


作者介紹 Jung Chang is the internationally bestselling author of Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China; Mao: The Unknown Story (with Jon Halliday); and Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine who Launched Modern China. Her books have been translated into over 40 languages and sold more than 15 million copies outside Mainland China where they are banned. She was born in China in 1952, and came to Britain in 1978. She lives in London.


書名 / Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China
作者 / 張戎
簡介 / Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China:《鴻:三代中國女人的故事》《毛澤東:鮮為人知的故事》作者張戎全新創作
ISBN13 / 9781910702796
ISBN10 / 191070279X
EAN / 9781910702796
誠品26碼 / 2681795664004
頁數 / 416
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無
