The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger (Movie Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

黑塔 I: 最後的槍客

作者 史蒂芬.金
商品描述 The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger (Movie Tie-in Ed.):每個人的生命之中,都有一座必須抵達的黑塔……所謂的『槍客』,帶有俠客的風範,他們必須經歷磨練,然後行俠仗義


內容簡介 說故事大師史蒂芬.金傾注畢生心血、耗費三十餘年,空前絕後的奇幻冒險巨作!在『前進』的世界裡,他是碩果僅存的槍客。槍客的目的地是黑塔,第一步必須先擒獲半人半魔的黑衣人。槍客已經追逐他很久很久了……每個人的生命之中,都有一座必須抵達的黑塔……所謂的『槍客』,帶有俠客的風範,他們必須經歷磨練,然後行俠仗義。但是世界發生了劇變,所有的槍客都在大戰中死亡,最後只剩下基列地的羅蘭。為了讓記憶裡『充滿愛與光明』的世界保持原貌,阻止它『前進』,羅蘭必須找到『黑塔』;但要找到黑塔,就必須先找到半人半魔的黑衣人,黑衣人知道的線索,是他前往那個神秘之地的第一步。在荒涼寂寥的世界裡,羅蘭苦苦追尋著黑衣人的下落,旅程中他遇見了會說話的烏鴉、死而復活的老酒鬼、被黑衣人詛咒的酒館老闆娘,還與來自異世界的男孩『傑克』結為好友。這些奇妙的經歷似乎都引導著羅蘭走向獵物,終於,在一個粉塵漫天、佈滿了腐朽白骨的髑髏地,羅蘭追上了黑衣人……羅蘭可以說是史蒂芬.金筆下最神秘的主角。他是一個獨行俠,隻身走上善惡對立的奇幻之旅。然而縈繞著全書的『業』的牽絆、抉擇的難題,以及信任、背叛與救贖的掙扎,友情、愛情與親情的糾纏,讓整個《黑塔》系列早已遠遠超越傳統正邪對抗的主題,呈現出浩瀚深邃、豐富迷人的多樣風貌,讓我們不知不覺便深陷其中,難以自拔!從年輕寫到老,耗費三十餘年,中間歷經生死難關,《黑塔》已成為史蒂芬.金生命歷程的投射與創作思考的總結。而對我們來說,黑塔之旅就是一場生命的試煉,窮畢生之力,我們都必須完成!※中文書介出自《黑塔 I: 最後的槍客》Master storyteller Stephen King presents the classic first novel in The Dark Tower series, the basis of the major motion picture starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey!“The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.”In a desolate reality, on that mirrors our own in frightening ways, a lone and haunting figure known only as Roland makes his way across the endless sands in pursuit of a sinister, dark-robed mystery of a man. Roland is the last of his kind, a “gunslinger” charged with protecting whatever goodness and light remains in his world—a world that “moved on” as they say…and the only way he can possibly hope to save everything is to first outwit and confront this man in black, then make him divulge his many arcane secrets. For despite the countless miles he’s already traversed, Roland knows these will merely be his initial steps on his spellbinding and soul-shattering quest to locate the mystical nexus of all worlds, all universes: the Dark Tower….


書名 / The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger (Movie Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / 史蒂芬.金
簡介 / The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger (Movie Tie-in Ed.):每個人的生命之中,都有一座必須抵達的黑塔……所謂的『槍客』,帶有俠客的風範,他們必須經歷磨練,然後行俠仗義
ISBN13 / 9781501166112
ISBN10 / 1501166115
EAN / 9781501166112
誠品26碼 / 2681448851003
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19X10.5CM
級別 / N:無