The Perils of Perception: Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything | 誠品線上

The Perils of Perception: Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything

作者 Bobby Duffy
商品描述 The Perils of Perception: Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything:自二零一二年開始,伊普索集團社會研究所針對人類對於社會有多少誤解開始進行研究,經過在全球各地


內容簡介 自二零一二年開始,伊普索集團社會研究所針對人類對於社會有多少誤解開始進行研究,經過在全球各地進行的一千一百多個的訪問後,由總裁鮑比‧達菲發表了這一本研究結果。在這本書中,你將了解自己對於許多社會現況的理解錯得離譜!作者除了給出結果,也分析了造成這些誤解的原因,以及我們可以怎麼應對。主題包括:過胖人口的占比、移民人口數、犯罪和恐怖主義的趨勢、退休金應該要多少才夠、年輕族群的性生活、現代人無知的指數,當然川普、英國脫歐、臉書等熱門議題也在其中。試試看回答以下問題,看看你對了幾題,或者造訪Ipsos的網站做更多測驗。英國的人口中,有多少比例的人是移民?德國的人口中,有多少比例的人自認過胖或者肥胖?法國25-34歲的人口中,有多少比例的人跟父母親住在一起?'Mandatory reading' Steven PinkerDo you eat too much sugar? What proportion of your country are immigrants? What does it cost to raise a child? How much tax do the rich pay? Are we more ignorant than we used to be?Take a minute to answer these questions. No matter how educated you are, this book suggests you are likely to be very wrong indeed. Informed by exclusive research across 40 countries, conducted by global polling firm Ipsos, The Perils of Perception investigates why we don't know basic facts about the world around us.Using the latest research into the media and decision science, Bobby Duffy asks how we can address our ignorance and why the populations of some countries seem better informed than others. Essential reading in the so-called 'post-truth' era, this book will transform the way you engage with the world.


作者介紹 Bobby Duffy Bobby Duffy is Managing Director of the Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute and Global Director of Ipsos Social Research Institute. He leads a team of around 200 researchers across the World. He has been previously seconded to the British Prime Minister's Strategy Unit and to the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) at the LSE. He is Visiting Senior Research Fellow at King's College London.


書名 / The Perils of Perception: Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything
作者 / Bobby Duffy
簡介 / The Perils of Perception: Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything:自二零一二年開始,伊普索集團社會研究所針對人類對於社會有多少誤解開始進行研究,經過在全球各地
ISBN13 / 9781786494566
ISBN10 / 1786494566
EAN / 9781786494566
誠品26碼 / 2681618813008
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.6X13.8CM
級別 / N:無
