內容簡介 一本細緻優雅、清新療癒的著色書!來自英國威爾斯的知名插畫家 米莉.瑪洛塔Millie Marotta,繼《忘憂森林》後最新著色書,描繪又一本獻給全世界的大自然療癒饗宴! 插畫家米莉.瑪洛塔最新著色書以熱帶森林為主題,描繪出色彩繽紛的鸚鵡、蝴蝶、與花卉,讓讀者在充滿異國風情的美麗線條間著上喜愛的色彩,創作專屬於自己獨一無二的圖案。The new book by the author of the Sunday Times bestseller Millie Marotta's Animal Kingdom.Lose yourself in a riot of colouring in and drawing as you bring the exotic creatures and plants in Millie Marotta's Tropical Wonderland to life. Millie's intricate style of illustration encourages you to make your own mark, whether it's to add to the fine lines on trees or add a splash of colour to the feathers of a tropical parrot. Explore the rainforest further and you will find extraordinary flowers, birds, butterflies and reptiles, including a rainbow boa with shiny scales crying out for a touch of colour. This book will bring enjoyment to anyone who is looking for a creative outlet or a mindful and relaxing activity.All copies of Millie Marotta's Tropical Wonderland are printed on high quality white paper throughout.