StarTalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond | 誠品線上

StarTalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond

作者 Neil deGrasse Tyson/ Jeffrey Simons/ Charles Liu/ Ed.
商品描述 StarTalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond:國家地理頻道《名人談星》主持人尼爾.德.葛拉斯


內容簡介 國家地理頻道《名人談星》主持人尼爾.德.葛拉斯.泰森以幽默風趣的筆觸,為讀者開啟一段驚奇的人類與太空之旅。到火星旅行,該打包那些東西?太空的飲食又是如何?可以利用蟲洞旅行嗎?人類生存的地球是宇宙裡的黯淡藍點,也是一顆巨大的藍色大理石,對於氣候變遷與造成地球的各種汙染,我們可有解決方案?如果人類演化自猴子,為什麼猴子至今仍然存在?真的有神嗎?你想像的未來是什麼樣子?將來會有飛天的汽車嗎?什麼時候才可以來一趟時空之旅?過去數十年,知名的天文物理學家泰森以機智詮釋科學而風靡全球。本書集結《名人談星》的精華內容,帶來先進的觀點,解說地球與太空之謎,以及身為人類的意義。書中生動的照片與知識邊欄,加上泰森本人和節目來賓的金句,回答了許多我們對於這個世界的疑問,在開懷大笑的閱讀中,對於人類、地球和宇宙有更深刻的認識。This illustrated companion to the popular podcast and National Geographic Channel show is an eye-opening journey for anyone curious about our universe, space, astronomy and the complexities of the cosmos. For decades, beloved astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has interpreted science with a combination of brainpower and charm that resonates with fans everywhere. This pioneering, provocative book brings together the best of StarTalk, his beloved podcast and television show devoted to solving the most confounding mysteries of Earth, space, and what it means to be human. Filled with brilliant sidebars, vivid photography, and unforgettable quotes from Tyson and his brilliant cohort of science and entertainment luminaries, StarTalk will help answer all of your most pressing questions about our world—from how the brain works to the physics of comic book superheroes. Fun, smart, and laugh-out-loud funny, this book is the perfect guide to everything you ever wanted to know about the universe—and beyond.


作者介紹 NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON earned his BA in physics from Harvard and his PhD in astrophysics from Columbia. His professional research interests are broad and include star formation, exploding stars, dwarf galaxies, and the structures of our Milky Way. Tyson was appointed by President Bush in 2001 and 2004 to serve on committees studying the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry (published in 2002) and the Implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy. He has also served on the Advisory Council for NASA. He is a monthly essayist for Natural History magazine and has published nine books, including the best-selling Death By Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries. He also is the first occupant of the Fredrick P. Rose Directorship of the Hayden Planetarium. Tyson lives in New York City with his wife and two children.CHARLES LIU is an astrophysics professor at the City University of New York’s College of Staten Island, and an associate with the Hayden Planetarium and Department of Astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. His research focuses on colliding galaxies, quasars, and the star formation history of the Universe. He earned degrees from Harvard University and the University of Arizona, and held postdoctoral positions at Kitt Peak National Observatory and at Columbia University. Together with co-authors Robert Irion and Neil Tyson, he received the 2001 American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award for his book “One Universe: At Home In The Cosmos.” More recently, he is the author of “The Handy Astronomy Answer Book,” now in its third edition. He and his wife, who is way smarter than he is, have three children who are also way smarter than he is.JEFFREY LEE SIMONS is the social media director of StarTalk Radio. When he’s not busy engaging with the greatest fans in the universe, he’s also a writer. He is the author of Spirit In Realtime, the first installment of his near-future, virtual reality cyberpunk young adult science fiction series. Jeffrey is also the co-author of the cause-related marketing handbook, Making Money While Making A Difference, with Dr. Richard Steckel, and the author of two works with noted artist Viktor Koen: Lexicon: words and images of strange and Toyphabet. He has a BA in Literature from Georgetown University. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, daughter, and four cats.


書名 / StarTalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond
作者 / Neil deGrasse Tyson Jeffrey Simons Charles Liu Ed.
簡介 / StarTalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond:國家地理頻道《名人談星》主持人尼爾.德.葛拉斯
ISBN13 / 9781426220234
ISBN10 / 1426220235
EAN / 9781426220234
誠品26碼 / 2681702991001
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.4X21.6X0CM
級別 / N:無
