Apollo to the Moon: A History in 50 Objects | 誠品線上

Apollo to the Moon: A History in 50 Objects

作者 Teasel E. Muir-Harmony
商品描述 Apollo to the Moon: A History in 50 Objects:NASA美國太空總署的阿波羅計畫在經歷幾次失敗後,終於在1969年,由太空船阿波羅11號成功完成任務,載著太空人抵達月球後安


內容簡介 NASA美國太空總署的阿波羅計畫在經歷幾次失敗後,終於在1969年,由太空船阿波羅11號成功完成任務,載著太空人抵達月球後安全返航,其中太空人尼爾‧阿姆斯壯成為第一位登陸月球的人類,創下前所未有的紀錄。2019年是阿波羅11號完成任務的50周年,本書特別收錄來自美國史密尼森學會的50張關鍵物件,再次回溯當年的任務過程,展示了人類在太空科學上的進步。除了相關物件之外,書中也介紹了讓該任務得以成功的關鍵人物,包括太空人之外,還有時任總統甘迺迪、記者Walter Cronkite和NASA的科學家Margaret Hamilton等人的故事。A celebration of the 50th anniversary of NASA's Apollo missions to the moon, this narrative uses 50 key artifacts from the Smithsonian archives to tell the story of the groundbreaking space exploration program.Bold photographs, fascinating graphics, and engaging stories commemorate the 20th century's most important space endeavor: NASA's Apollo program to reach the moon. From the lunar rover and a survival kit to space food and moon rocks, it's a carefully curated array of objects--complete with intriguing back stories and profiles of key participants.This book showcases the historic space exploration program that landed humans on the moon, advanced the world's capabilities for space travel, and revolutionized our sense of humanity's place in the universe. Each historic accomplishment is symbolized by a different object, from a Russian stamp honoring Yuri Gagarin and plastic astronaut action figures to the Apollo 11 command module, piloted by Michael Collins as Armstrong and Aldrin made the first moonwalk, together with the monumental art inspired by these moon missions. Throughout, Apollo to the Moon also tells the story of people who made the journey possible: the heroic astronauts as well as their supporters, including President John F. Kennedy, newsman Walter Cronkite, and NASA scientists such as Margaret Hamilton.


作者介紹 TEASEL E. MUIR-HARMONYTEASEL E. MUIR-HARMONY, curator at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, is a distinguished scholar of space history. She earned a Ph.D. from MIT, writing a dissertation on the political implications of the Apollo program. She has published more than a dozen articles and book reviews, and has presented internationally on various topics in the cultural history of 20th-century space science.


書名 / Apollo to the Moon: A History in 50 Objects
作者 / Teasel E. Muir-Harmony
簡介 / Apollo to the Moon: A History in 50 Objects:NASA美國太空總署的阿波羅計畫在經歷幾次失敗後,終於在1969年,由太空船阿波羅11號成功完成任務,載著太空人抵達月球後安
ISBN13 / 9781426219931
ISBN10 / 1426219938
EAN / 9781426219931
誠品26碼 / 2681666956009
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18X23.1CM
級別 / N:無
