All Over the Map: A Cartographic Odyssey | 誠品線上

地圖的故事: 悠遊在現實與想像、科學與藝術之間的地圖學發現之旅

作者 貝西.梅森/ 葛瑞格.米勒
商品描述 All Over the Map: A Cartographic Odyssey:國家地理雜誌終極世界地圖全集由地圖愛好者專門為同好設計的地圖創作書,探索歷史背後地圖製程的過程與奇聞軼事,闡述地圖製圖


內容簡介 國家地理雜誌終極世界地圖全集由地圖愛好者專門為同好設計的地圖創作書,探索歷史背後地圖製程的過程與奇聞軼事,闡述地圖製圖藝術的如何在今日蓬勃發展獲獎無數的旅遊記者Betsy Mason與國家地理雜誌製圖部落格《All Over the Map》作者Greg Miller聯手打造這本充滿視覺震撼的地圖全集,橫跨文化、文明和時空,探索地圖製程背後的神奇故事。專訪多位專業製圖師、策展人、歷史學家和學者,這絕對是一本嶄新的地圖集。豐富的內容包括古代地圖、以精心繪製的圖形描繪地球內部到外太空肉眼無法見的概念與神秘力量、間諜專用的密碼地圖,還有與流行文化相關的地圖,例如如何抵達《星際大戰》死星解說圖、《冰與火之歌》維斯特洛地圖等。如果你和作者一樣熱愛地圖及渴望繪製地圖,這本地圖視覺饗宴絕對能激發靈感,對學習保持高度好奇心。Created for map lovers by map lovers, this rich book explores the intriguing stories behind maps across history and illuminates how the art of cartography thrives today.In this visually stunning book, award-winning journalists Betsy Mason and Greg Miller--authors of the National Geographic cartography blog "All Over the Map "--explore the intriguing stories behind maps from a wide variety of cultures, civilizations, and time periods. Based on interviews with scores of leading cartographers, curators, historians, and scholars, this is a remarkable selection of fascinating and unusual maps.This diverse compendium includes ancient maps of dragon-filled seas, elaborate graphics picturing unseen concepts and forces from inside Earth to outer space, devious maps created by spies, and maps from pop culture such as the schematics to the Death Star and a map of Westeros from Game of Thrones. If your brain craves maps--and Mason and Miller would say it does, whether you know it or not--this eye-opening visual feast will inspire and delight."


作者介紹 BETSY MASON BETSY MASON is an award-winning science journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area and co-author (with Greg Miller) of the National Geographic blog ""All Over the Map."" She was a 2015-2016 MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow. Previously she was the online science editor for Wired and the science reporter for the Contra Costa Times. Before becoming a journalist, Mason earned a master's degree in geology at Stanford University.GREG MILLERGREG MILLER is a science and tech journalist based in Portland, Oregon. Previously he was a senior writer at Wired and a staff writer at Science, where he won several honors. Miller earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience at Stanford University. He has appeared on public radio's Science Friday to discuss maps and has given talks on a wide variety of cartography-related topics.


書名 / All Over the Map: A Cartographic Odyssey
作者 / 貝西.梅森 葛瑞格.米勒
簡介 / All Over the Map: A Cartographic Odyssey:國家地理雜誌終極世界地圖全集由地圖愛好者專門為同好設計的地圖創作書,探索歷史背後地圖製程的過程與奇聞軼事,闡述地圖製圖
ISBN13 / 9781426219726
ISBN10 / 1426219725
EAN / 9781426219726
誠品26碼 / 2681666955002
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.1X29.2CM
級別 / N:無